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09-05-12 PC
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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2012
09-05-12 PC
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – September 5, 2012 4 <br /> <br />Department can be contacted prior to construction for guidance and City Planner Meagan <br />Beekman stated they can. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Thompson opened the public hearing at 6:41pm. <br /> <br />Mr. Rob Davidson owns 1201 County Road E (former Holiday Inn) stated he is against <br />the proposed new language. He stated the new proposed language would prevent them <br />from converting their property into apartments. He stated Arden Hills is doing <br />everything they can to prevent their property from being developed into apartments. Mr. <br />Davidson stated their plan was denied. He stated the minimum unit size of 600 SF is in <br />conflict with the Building Codes. Mr. Davidson stated this is a targeted change to <br />prevent them from developing their property. All the units would be efficiency <br />apartments. Due to the moratorium their property is of no use to them. Mr. Davidson <br />requested the Commission reject the minimum unit size, and the enclosed parking <br />requirement. <br /> <br />Mr. Ed Von Holtum, 1409 Indian Oaks Trail stated he was a member of the Economic <br />Development Commission. He stated when Mr. Davidson proposed the redevelopment <br />project he stated the planned unit sizes were not smaller than other apartments available. <br />He stated if there was a smaller apartment developed for younger people, whose lifestyle <br />would fit into smaller apartment sizes. He believes this is a targeted plan to stop Mr. <br />Davidson’s development. He requested the Commission not approve the revised <br />language. <br /> <br />Mr. Stu Nolan, partner of Rob Davidson. He stated he started managing and developing <br />apartments many years ago. He has been involved in the developing of over 10,000 <br />apartments. He has never experienced anything like what he is receiving from the City of <br />Arden Hills. He stated he is insulted and came to the City with a proposal and someone <br />from the City decided they were constructing a “flop house”. These apartments are much <br />safer than a hotel. They would be out of business if they had a bad reputation. In order <br />for someone to rent an apartment, a complete application is completed. It is a very <br />detailed process and thorough checks are run on each application. Criminal, <br />Employment, past rental checks are done. Mr. Nolan asked if the Commission would <br />prefer a hotel. Mr. Nolan does not have a problem with the security plan, lighting plan, <br />registration plan, bicycle parking, window coverings. He stated there are some things in <br />the Ordinance that do make sense. He suggested this Ordinance may be targeting all <br />apartment developers. The City had decided on a unit size contrary to the State <br />mandates. He is opposed to Unit Mix. He has held focus groups and had conversations <br />with many people including the colleges. He asked what it means that common areas <br />need to be approved by the City. He has projects going in many Cities and none of them <br />have any requirements as to what is inside the building. They are proposing a multi- <br />million dollar project in Edina and there is nothing concerning the inside of the building. <br />Common areas would be constructed to fit the profile of the tenants. Mr. Nolan stated the <br />parking area should be determined by the number of bedrooms in the building which <br />determines the number of parking spaces. Generally 1 parking space per bedroom is the <br />norm. The developer is normally required to have some additional parking on site. The <br />underground or attached parking can’t be added to his existing building. Mr. Nolan <br />asked that the portions pertaining to unit size, unit mix, and parking be removed from the <br />proposed zoning code. <br />
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