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Approved July 13, 2015 <br />Section 4: Definitions TCAAP Redevelopment Code <br />Page | 25 <br /> <br />M <br />Manor Home/Multi-Unit House <br />A multi-unit building (3 to 8 units) that is designed to appear as a large home from the exterior, <br />but functions as a multi-unit building on the interior. Manor Homes have one main front door for <br />the building, but may also have side and rear entries. Parking is accessed from an alley or a <br />driveway to the rear of the lot. Parking does not face a public right-of-way. <br /> Image of Manor Home <br />Medium Multi-Family Use <br />A building containing nine to fifty multi-family units which may include stacked flats, apartments, <br />or condominiums. <br />Mixed-Use Building <br />A building that includes a combination of commercial, retail, residential, culturalcivic, or <br />institutional, or light industrial uses inside a single structure. Residential uses are not permitted <br />within mixed-use buildings. <br />N O <br />Numerical Standard <br />Any standard that has a numerical limit (minimums and maximums) or value as established <br />within both the text and graphic standards of the TRC. <br />P Q <br /> Parking Setback Line <br />The distance that any surface parking lot is to be set back from either the principal building <br />façade line or property line along any street frontage (depending on the specific standard in <br />the Zoning District). Surface parking may be located anywhere behind the parking setback line <br />on the property.