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02-08-2017 PC
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02-08-2017 PC
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_________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for February 8, 2017 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2017\PC 17-004 - Sign Code Amendment\Memos_Reports_17-004 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />Sign Code Review <br /> <br />Staff compared the sign ordnances of the cities of Roseville, New Brighton, Shoreview and <br />Mounds View to the current Arden Hills sign ordinance based on the most common types of <br />deviations requested (Attachment C). The sign regulations included in the TCAAP <br />Redevelopment Codes were also reviewed. The purpose of this comparison was to identify <br />sections of the Sign Code that are or are not consistent with neighboring communities. <br /> <br />Wall Signage <br />Currently, the sign ordinance allows a set square footage of wall signage based on the sign <br />district the property is located in. This can be problematic, as it does not account for different <br />sized buildings within the same district. Mounds View is the only other city in the study that <br />regulates wall signage in this manner. The other cities regulate the amount of wall signage <br />permitted based on a percentage of the building square footage or façade area. This allows for <br />signage that fits individual buildings best, rather than a one size fits all approach. The TCAAP <br />Redevelopment Code uses a combination of both, allowing either a set square footage or percent <br />of the façade area, whichever is less. <br /> <br />Monument and Freestanding Signs <br />A monument sign is a type of freestanding sign where the sign face is mounted on the ground or <br />a base rather than a pole. Sign Districts 4 and 5 only allow monument signs for freestanding <br />signs. For all districts, freestanding signs are allowed a set square footage and height based on <br />the sign district the property is located in. While none of the other cities limit the style of <br />freestanding signs to individual districts, Roseville, New Brighton and Mounds View all regulate <br />them in the same manner as Arden Hills; a set square footage based on sign district. Shoreview <br />allows a set square footage based on the gross floor area of the principal structure. The TCAAP <br />Redevelopment Code allows a set square footage for “Highway Monument Signs” and a <br />percentage of the street frontage for “Corridor Monument Signs.” <br /> <br />Electronic/Dynamic Display Signs <br />Currently, the Sign Code does not allow any electronic or dynamic display signs. All four cities <br />that were reviewed allow for some type of dynamic display signs. They are regulated as follows: <br />• Roseville: Must be static and remain for a minimum duration of 25 seconds. <br />• New Brighton: No animation or video is permitted and a minimum duration of 8 seconds. <br />• Shoreview: No animation or video is permitted and a minimum duration of 8 seconds. <br />• Mounds View: Must be static and remain for a minimum duration of 8 seconds. <br />• TCAAP Redevelopment Code: Allowed only on “Marquee Signs.” A Marquee Sign is <br />located at a theatre or other public venue and displays the name of the establishment or <br />event details. Message board may be changeable copy provided that the copy does not <br />change more than once every 15 minutes. <br />
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