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City of Arden Hills – 20430 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved: September 28, 201809 Amended: December 12, 2016 <br />7-15 <br />approved TCAAP Master Plan envisions that 38.0 percent of the total <br />427 acre site will be developed for residential uses. Because housing <br />is such an important part of Arden Hills, maintaining the quality of the <br />current housing stock while providing long-term opportunities for new <br />housing is important to the ongoing vitality of the community and to <br />retaining Arden Hills’ reputation as a highly desirable place to live. <br /> <br />7.3 <br />7.4 7.2 Context <br /> <br />According to the United States CensusMetropolitan Council, Arden Hills had 3,198017 housing units <br />in 201500. A housing unit is the actual structure while a household refers to the people living in a <br />housing unit. Approximately 668 percent of the housing units in Arden Hills are detached single- <br />family homes, 132 percent are attached single family homes (commonly referred to as townhomes), <br />and nine 12 percent are multifamily, with five units or more, and finally eight percent of units are <br />manufactured homes. These three housing types comprise almost 90 percent of the City’s housing <br />supply. Arden Hills has the second highest percentage of single-family homes compared to adjacent <br />communities and is significantly above the Ramsey County and metropolitan area average. <br /> <br />Apartments with ten or more units are just 2.74 percent of the City’s housing stock. The City has just <br />one traditional apartment building with 37 units and one condominium building with 72 units. The <br />City has very few duplexes, which are relatively more prevalent in other metropolitan communities <br />(Figure 7.2). <br /> <br />Formatted: Font: (Default) Calibri <br />Formatted: Tab stops: Not at 0.35" <br />Formatted: None, No bullets or numbering, <br />Tab stops: 0.35", Left <br />Formatted: Subtitle, None, No bullets or <br />numbering <br />Formatted: Font: Bold <br />Formatted: Subtitle, Tab stops: Not at 0.24"