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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – MAY 15, 2017 4 <br /> <br />C. SIMPLE RECYCLING <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated that as part of the 2017 work plan for the SCORE Recycling <br />Grant that the City received from Ramsey County, the City is required to explore textile recycling <br />options. The City’s current recycling provider does not pick up textiles. Staff met with Simple <br />Recycling, a for-profit company that specializes in curbside collection of textiles and other <br />housewares, and are expanding in Minnesota. <br /> <br />Director of Regional Municipal Partnerships, Waste Zero, Paul Gardner provided <br />background information on Simple Recycling. The service is free and year round, and textiles and <br />home goods would be picked up the same day as regular recycling. A postcard would be sent to <br />the residents, and an envelope with special plastic bags for placing the items. Simply Recycling <br />picks up the materials using a transit van, weighs them and sends a report to the City and County. <br />The City would receive a penny a pound for the material, or $20 a ton. Most haulers are neutral or <br />supportive and don’t want clothing in their recycling by mistake. The national average shows <br />eighty five percent of our clothing still goes in the garbage, despite people donating to charity. <br />The average collection is 10 pounds per household. The program does requires a 4-5 year <br />contract. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked if pick up was necessary every week. <br /> <br />Mr. Gardner replied that the company has made a strategic choice to run the entire route on <br />every recycling day. If pick up was only once a month, people tend to forget and numbers go <br />down. The business model of the resident calling an organization for pick up is expensive <br />compared to driving the entire route each recycling day. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes commented that she feels Arden Hills residents would donate nicer <br />usable items to charity and use this service for less desirable clothing items. <br /> <br />Mr. Gardner noted that Simple Recycling’s philosophy is to put the material to the highest and <br />best use. They have a grading facility where they determine what could be sold in a thrift store <br />and what could be sold to international markets. Some material has no resale value and is <br />repurposed into insulation, mattress padding etc. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dave McClung wondered how much a program like this is capturing of the <br />percent that is going into the landfill. <br /> <br />Mr. Gardner stated that if this increased the percentage in the Metro area by one or two percent <br />that would be substantial. Over the last four years, three million pounds have been collected in <br />the states they are operating in. He noted that for every bag that is picked up, Simple Recycling <br />will leave two. Templates are available for newsletters, handouts, and websites for educational <br />purposes. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant, at the approval of the Council, instructed Staff to move forward with the necessary <br />meetings and contract details. <br /> <br /> <br />
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