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<br /> <br /> 3 <br /> <br /> <br />I n t r o d u c t ion <br /> <br />The TCAAP Joint Development Authority (“JDA”) with its partners Ramsey County <br />(“County”) and the City of Arden Hills (“City”) seeks a master developer of Rice <br />Creek Commons (“RCC”), a premier, regionally significant 633 acre site in the <br />Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan region currently owned by the County. <br /> <br />The JDA was formed in 2012. It is a five-member joint powers board with <br />representatives of both the County and City. The JDA will be the public body <br />responsible for interacting with developers for the site and for final land use approvals <br />and development agreements. As long as development meets the master plan and <br />redevelopment code requirements, the planning and development agreement approvals <br />will reside solely with the JDA. <br /> <br />Rice Creek Commons is located in Arden Hills, Minnesota a short distance to both the <br />downtowns of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. The site is located immediately east of <br />Interstate 35W and north of Interstate 694 and U.S. Highway 10. Public sector partners <br />are committed to RCC’s success and are investing in improved access, site remediation, <br />open space, and energy resiliency. <br /> <br /> <br />Previously known as the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (“TCAAP”), the County <br />purchased 629 acres in phases over the last decade from the U.S. government with the <br />goal of revitalizing a long- dormant industrial area into a vibrant residential, commercial <br />and retail area. TCAAP was constructed during World War II to manufacture munitions <br />for the U.S. Army. By the spring of 2016, the site will be ready for redevelopment. The <br />County has invested in cleaning the site to residential soil reference values. <br /> <br /> <br />The JDA envisions RCC as a cohesive mix of residential and commercial neighborhoods <br />surrounding a town center; a unique community where young and old can live, work and <br />play. Two hundred and six acres (approx. 33%) of the 633 acres is designated for trails <br />and open space (see map in appendix ___). A 50-acre natural resources corridor winds <br />through the interior of the site providing a natural amenity and regional storm water <br />treatment. A county “spine” road will connect County Road H and Highway 96. <br />Additionally, 24 acres of active park space is planned internally to the site. This leaves <br />approximately 320 acres of developable acreage with approximately 50% commercial <br />and 50% residential. A successful development will incorporate best practices for <br />integration of the natural environment, transportation/transit, recreation, and energy <br />sustainability for its 3,000 new residents, 4,000 workers, and the region as a whole. The <br />site offers an extraordinary opportunity to develop a walkable community by <br />interconnecting local and regional trail systems. <br />