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02-01-16 JDA
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1 <br />City of Arden Hills <br /> <br />Rice Creek Commons Goals and Metrics <br />January 13, 2016 <br />A. Generally <br /> <br />Background and Goals: The City in partnership with Ramsey County seeks to redevelop the TCAAP <br />property to achieve the goals identified in the City’s Comprehensive Plan consistent with the adopted <br />and approved Master Plan and TCAAP Redevelopment Code. The City seeks to develop a true mixed-use <br />village of office, manufacturing, retail space and housing for the area that provides new tax revenues, a <br />diverse blend of land uses, high wage jobs, and the efficient delivery of public and private services that <br />will enhance but remain complementary to existing development within the City. <br /> <br />B. Specific Goals and Metrics <br /> <br />1. A diverse mix of uses <br /> <br />Background and Goals: The City envisions a vibrant blend of housing, office, retail, manufacturing and <br />other commercial and light industrial uses in the area. <br /> Develop and maintain a land use pattern that strengthens the vitality, quality, and character of <br />the residential neighborhoods, commercial districts and industrial areas, while protecting the <br />community’s natural resources to develop a sustainable pattern for future development. <br /> Develop TCAAP in a way that accommodates a mix of land uses that is sensitive to the natural <br />environment, economically sustainable and a benefit to the community. <br /> Develop and maintain a strong, vital, diverse and stable housing supply for all members of the <br />community. <br /> <br />Metrics: Approximately 53% of the developable acreage of RCC is designated for commercial <br />development including office, manufacturing, and retail. The City seeks at least 2 million square feet of <br />non-retail development which should be balanced between at least 65% office uses and 35% other <br />high-value commercial uses. <br /> <br />Housing proposals should address City needs for affordable and life cycle housing with a particular focus <br />on young professionals, move up housing, and senior citizens. <br /> <br />Ten percent of all new housing units should be affordable to households earning 80% or less of area <br />median income as established by the Metropolitan Council. <br /> <br />Overall project density and number of dwelling units should be within the adopted parameters of the <br />City’s current Comprehensive Plan and land use ordinances which allow a maximum of 1,431 residential <br />units at an overall average density of no greater than 9.46 units per acre.
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