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Rice Creek Commons Solicitation – AMENDED February 29, 2016 Page 2 <br /> <br />and the TCAAP Redevelopment Code. Developers should expect that amendments to the Master Plan <br />or TCAAP Redevelopment Code will require a longer approval process than a typical planning and <br />zoning variance. <br /> <br />Q: Will all questions be made available? <br />A: Yes. <br /> <br />Q: Can questions be submitted via email. <br />A: Yes. Questions may be received in writing, fax, or email. Email is preferred. <br /> <br />Q: The solicitation makes no mention of DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises). Will an <br />expectation or goal of DBE participation be utilized for future stages of development? <br />A: Future developers may make this a requirement but the solicitation does not make specific mention <br />to DBE, SBE (Small Business Enterprises), or WMBE (Women or Minority Owned Business Enterprises <br /> <br />Q: Will a response action plan (RAP) be required by the developer for the overall site, for each <br />development parcel, or both? <br />A: The MPCA will issue a commissioner’s Certificate of Completion for remediation of all soil <br />contamination to allow residential land use throughout the site. For most construction a Response <br />Action Plan will not be required. In cases where installation of footings or utilities involves work <br />below the water table in areas with known shallow groundwater contamination (e.g., Site K and <br />Building 102), a RAP to manage potentially impacted soil below the water table and groundwater <br />may be necessary. To the extent that redevelopment is occurring in areas with shallow groundwater <br />plumes, a RAP will likely be required to mitigate potential vapor intrusion. <br /> <br />Q: Are there environmental investigation reports available which outline the status of the <br />environmental cleanup onsite? <br />A: All final investigation Work Plans, Response Action Plans, approvals, and liability assurances <br />approved or issued through the date of this response are available on the RCC website. Upon <br />approval by the MPCA and EPA of all of the Final Documentation Reports, those reports and the <br />MPCA Commissioner’s Certificate of Completion will be posted on the RCC website. <br /> <br />Q: What is the status of the no association determination? <br />A: The County has obtained several No Association Determinations (NADs) from the MPCA for the site. <br />All of these documents can be found on the RCC website under For Developers/Due diligence <br />documents/Resources/Documents/Site-wide environmental remediation documents. In summary, <br />the MPCA issued the initial NAD on April 9, 2013, before the county acquired the property. The initial <br />NAD covered the proposed actions such as taking title to the property, building demolition and <br />infrastructure removal, completing investigation and cleanup activities, and installation of new <br />infrastructure. The MPCA issued an amended NAD on January 22, 2016, effective to the date of the <br />original NAD, to add soil gas and other hazardous substance definitions to the identified release. The <br />MPCA issued the County a separate NAD for the Rice Creek Remeander project on December 30, <br />2015. <br /> <br />Q: Will vapor barriers and/or passive or active venting systems be required onsite and are there any <br />grants available to pay for this infrastructure? <br />A: The County submitted available soil gas data to the MPCA in November 2013. The soil gas data was <br />deemed sufficient by the MPCA for the purpose of supporting issuance of the Commissioner’s