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04-19-16 JDA
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04-19-16 JDA
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6/12/2017 11:19:06 AM
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6/12/2017 11:18:54 AM
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Question 3: <br />The TCAAP Redevelopment Code allows for a maximum of 1,431 residential units on the site. How does <br />this number fit with your anticipated plans for the development of the site? How do you intend to <br />provide a diversity of housing options in type and price point? How does the overall amount of retail, <br />office, and flex business space shown on the TRC fit with your development plans? <br /> <br />Question 4: <br />The Town Center and Natural Resources Corridor are envisioned to be central elements to the site. How <br />would you design these areas so they naturally integrate with development on the rest of the site? How <br />can these components be used to create more uniform development across the site? How will you <br />leverage each area in the marketing plan to help catalyze growth? <br /> <br />Question 5: <br />Discuss your proposed partnership and your team’s history working together. Who will be the day-to- <br />day contacts of the project? How will they work with City and County staff? Who will be the public face <br />of the team that will make presentations to the JDA? How will you ensure continuity among your team <br />for the next five years? How do we have confidence that you have assembled the right team with the <br />right experience to execute this project? <br /> <br />Question 6: <br />Describe the challenges you see with implementing the TCAAP Redevelopment Code given your <br />understanding of the real estate market today. Are there areas within the TRC where your team <br />anticipates requesting changes or additional flexibility? <br /> <br />Question 7: <br />Describe in more detail your approach to ‘taking the land down.’ Do you anticipate public incentives or <br />assistance to achieve the development objectives? Describe the tools and where geographically your <br />team would request public assistance? Describe your access to capital and how you will ensure that the <br />development can be implemented as you have laid out. <br />
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