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JDA Minutes
Entry Properties
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6/12/2017 11:47:32 AM
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6/12/2017 11:47:29 AM
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Mr. Shaver stated this has not been tested yet. <br />Councilmember Wicklund asked if there were any other connectors, other than bus rapid <br />transit, that would connect the two areas of the City. <br />Mr. Shaver commented Alatus was trying to create a connector or touchstone for Arden Hills. <br />He understood it was hard to consider moving City Hall, however, this would assist with the <br />major transformation that would be coming to the City. <br />Councilmember Wicklund supported the relocation of City Hall. <br />Mayor Grant commented on how the residents may perceive the movement of City Hall. He <br />anticipated the City Council would have to further discuss the Town Center plan and the <br />proposed building heights. He appreciated the proposed concept plan and wanted to hear <br />more about vertical mixed uses. <br />JDA Chair Sand supported the overall plan. He discussed the importance of interconnectivity of <br />this site to the remainder of Arden Hills. He believed City Hall needed to be connected to the <br />remainder of the City. He questioned how Alatus would be connecting pedestrians from north <br />side of Highway 96 to the south side of Highway 96. He suggested the bandshell be located <br />near the water feature. He provided further comment on the streetscape. <br />Councilmember Holden requested further information on the condominium building height. <br />Mr. Lux commented on the anticipated condominium building height and construction <br />specifications. He agreed a connection over Highway 96 would be imperative. <br />Mayor Grant questioned if the geotechnical would support a building of this height. <br />Mr. Lux discussed the subsurface information he had on the site. <br />Mayor Grant went on record stating he wanted there to be a water feature on the property and <br />not just a holding pond. <br />Mr. Lux discussed the amount of mass grading that would occur for this complex site. He stated <br />the water feature was a high priority for his team. <br />JDA Chair Sand questioned if two entrances and exits would adequately serve the site. <br />Mr. Lux indicated this was an excellent question. He further commented on the traffic plan that <br />was completed by Kimley-Horn. He then turned the conversation over to Todd Stutz to address <br />the residential portion of the project. <br />
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