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JDA Minutes
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6/12/2017 12:10:26 PM
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6/12/2017 12:10:13 PM
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advanced work on the JDA governance process. Also, as Ramsey County moves forward with <br />potential selection of a master developer, the JDA should consider how that process aligns with <br />the JDA approval process. <br />Development Director Hutmacher explained that with the preliminary approval of the TRC, the <br />City is moving forward with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. City Council and Planning <br />Commission discussions on this topic will be held in June. Public hearings on the TRC and the <br />CPA are tentatively scheduled for July 8. The Council will consider final approval of the TRC and <br />CPA on July 13, contingent upon Met Council approval of the CPA. <br />Development Director Hutmacher stated that if the proposed approval timeline were followed, <br />the construction of the Spine Road and trunk utilities would occur in 2016, followed by private <br />development in 2017. <br />Commissioner Sand discussed the developer comments and noted these comments differed <br />from those presented to the County last Monday. <br />Development Director Hutmacher explained that the presentation given to the County was the <br />same condensed presentation given to the public at the May 26 City Council meeting due to <br />time constraints. She reported that all comments presented to the County were valid and were <br />expanded this evening. <br />Commissioner Ortega requested a list of developers that had participated in the City's <br />development panel discussions. <br />Commissioner Huffman stated that small lot sizes were an important housing factor along with <br />the need for empty -nester and young professional housing. He asked why a change was made <br />to the NB3 District. <br />Development Director Hutmacher reported that the change to this district was made at <br />Councilmember Holden's request. <br />Commissioner Holden commented in order to get the TRC approved by the City Council, the <br />City would need four votes and at this time, the City only had three. She explained that the City <br />was trying to keep in mind all of the voices it has heard over the past year and her change <br />would assist in arranging housing in a manner in which 4/5 of the Council could support. <br />Commissioner Sand expressed concern with why the Council was questioning the need for the <br />JDA. He believed the JDA should have a discussion with the JDA Attorney and the City Attorney <br />as to the level of flexibility that would be available in the TRC. He was concerned that all future <br />developments would revert back to the Council, and if this was the case, what was the purpose <br />of the JDA. He commented that the JDA was here to stay and had a say in how the TCAAP site <br />developed. He was in favor of seeking advice from counsel in order to greater define the role of <br />
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