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TCAAP Energy Integration Resiliency Framework <br />Policy White Paper – Introduction <br /> <br /> 5 <br />Executive Summary <br />Located in Arden Hills, Minnesota, the Twin Cities Army Ammunitions Plant (TCAAP) is a 427-acre site <br />that has recently gone through an extensive demolition and site environmental remediation program, <br />and stands ready to be redeveloped into an attractive addition to the Arden Hills community . Ramsey <br />County (County) and Arden Hills (City) have engaged in a partnership through the formation of a Joint <br />Development Authority (JDA) to craft a bold and deliberate energy framework. This framework will <br />develop appropriate planning guidelines and policies with careful consideration of local resources, <br />stakeholder interests, project goals, and the best available technologies for implementation over the <br />next 50 years. <br />TCAAP offers an incredible opportunity for the County, the City, and the surrounding community to <br />build a forward-looking community that is prepared for the energy and environmental issues of the <br />new generations who will live, work, and recreate there. With efficient buildings, the site can provide <br />low-cost energy for residents and tenants. Innovative energy supply systems can be designed for <br />reliability and resiliency. Increased use of local renewable energy systems can reduce the site’s <br />environmental footprint. With planning and leadership, the JDA can plan its streets with low-carbon <br />energy sources in mind, request developments that meet energy and environmental standards, and <br />engage future residents about the community’s energy use and their role as stewards of that vision. <br />This Policy White Paper serves several purposes. It provides a unifying vision for the site’s energy <br />future looking out over 50 years, and identifies the most beneficial opportuni ties for energy efficiency <br />and efficient energy supply options. It presents policy actions that the JDA, the City, and the County <br />can consider to support that energy future, including through the TCAAP Redevelopment Code, the <br />County RFP process, and future City or County ordinances. This paper also outlines immediate-term, <br />near-term, and long-term actions that can help the JDA, the City, and the County achieve a bold energy <br />vision for the site. <br />Developing the White Paper is the first of a two-phase project. Phase two will produce an energy <br />resiliency framework with more details about how the JDA can technically achieve the vision and <br />recommendations put forth in this paper. Phase two will be completed in March 2015. <br />Energy Resiliency Advisory Board <br />The County and the City recently established the Energy Resiliency Advisory Board (ERAB) and <br />appointed community stakeholders to help define TCAAP’s energy vision. This vision forms the basis <br />for the White Paper and the Energy Integration and Resiliency Framework, and also sets a common <br />language for stakeholders that are engaged in the development of the TCAAP site.
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