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have an HAP in place. She further reviewed how the grants were scored by the Met Council <br />with the JDA. <br />Commissioner Holden stated that TIF is often used as a funding source for affordable housing. <br />She did not anticipate that TIF would be offered by the City for TCAAP. She believed the grants <br />from the Met Council would greatly benefit the City and the County with the redevelopment of <br />the TCAAP site. <br />Chair Sand agreed the County should apply for the TBRA grant. He understood that this grant <br />would be applied for in November. He asked if the County would be applying for the LCDA <br />grant this year. Ms. Worthington reported the County or City would be applying for the LCDA <br />grant by May 15Y of this year. This way, if the grant were not approved in 2014, the County or <br />City could reapply in May of 2015. <br />Commissioner Grant stated TCAAP would have an additional 1,500 housing units based upon <br />the Master Plan. He questioned what this would mean to the Met Council, along with their <br />goals and expectations. <br />Commissioner Holden asked how the grants would be shared between the City and County. <br />Development Director Hutmacher commented within the grant application, the City and County <br />would have to specify how the funds would be spent. The funds would then have to be <br />expended accordingly. She anticipated staff would be further reviewing how the funds could <br />be used over the next three years. She noted the City could reapply for the these grants in the <br />future. <br />Commissioner Huffman supported the grants being applied for. <br />Chair Sand reported the City's HAP was available on the City website for further review by any <br />of the JDA members. <br />Mayor Grant questioned which entity would be applying for the LCDA and TBRA grants. Ms. <br />Worthington explained the County would be applying for the TBRA grant due to the fact this <br />related more to cleanup efforts. The City would then be applying for the LCDA grant as it <br />related to planning and development. <br />Development Director's Report <br />Development Director Hutmacher reviewed the City Council's work session meeting schedule <br />and proposed discussion topics. She invited Commissioners to attend these meetings. <br />Administrative Director's Report <br />Administrative Director Worthington presented the February/March activity report. She <br />explained a great deal of material has been removed from the site and Building #502 would be <br />
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