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08-06-14 EDC
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08-06-14 EDC
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EDC Minutes <br />June 4, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler discussed some of the drawbacks of working with the Extension, <br />including the difficulty of adapting the program to the local context, the number of meetings <br />required, and the cost. He added that each city interviewed was able to find some amount of <br />corporate sponsorship to help defray the cost of the program. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler provided an overview of the BRE program implemented by the City <br />of Shoreview, which was done without the assistance of a consultant. Shoreview has focused on <br />improving communications and visiting a select number of priority businesses in the community. <br />He commented that a benefit of this city-initiated approach is that the program can be tailored to <br />the specific needs of the community and limited resources can be used more efficiently. On the <br />other hand, this approach requires additional staff time and the data collected from businesses is <br />not as detailed or comprehensive. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson asked if staff had contacted any businesses or corporate entities about <br />providing funding for the program. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler responded that staff was waiting to do this until a decision was made <br />whether or not to work with the Extension’s BRE program. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson asked how flexible the Extension might be in adapting the structure of <br />their program for Arden Hills. He also requested information on the program cost. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler commented that it would be important for staff to have <br />conversations with the Extension about the particular needs of Arden Hills before entering into a <br />contract. He explained that the cost of the program would likely range from $10,000 to $15,000 <br />depending on the services included. <br /> <br />Commissioner Heikkila commented that he saw advantages in both approaches. Shoreview was <br />able to build on an already in place communication infrastructure, including their website and <br />newsletter. Working with the Extension would bring an important outside perspective to the <br />process. He agreed that customization of the Extension program would be important. <br /> <br />Commissioner Altstatt asked how the City would go about prioritizing businesses to interview. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler responded that Shoreview used criterion such as number of <br />employees, tax generation, and number of years in the community to develop their list of priority <br />businesses. He explained that the Extension program usually takes a comprehensive approach <br />that attempts to conduct interviews with a range of different businesses in the community. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson stated that he believed working with the Extension would be a good <br />approach considering the structure they would bring the process and their ability to complete the <br />program in a relatively short period of time. <br /> <br />Commissioner Huninghake expressed concerns about the number of meetings that would be <br />required of volunteers. He questioned whether the expected results of the program were worth <br />the amount of time and effort that would be required of staff and volunteers.
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