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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes November 17, 2015 <br />Page 4 <br />A discussion ensued about the Metropolitan Council’s role regarding stormwater, parks, <br />and trails. <br />B.ClearSpan Structures <br />Chair Straumann referenced the brochure from ClearSpan Structures. He indicated a <br />meeting will be requested with AHATS to discuss land availability and a potential <br />community center as a covered, indoor space that could be used year-round would be <br />beneficial. <br />Mayor Grant arrived at the meeting at 6:50 pm. <br />Chair Straumann explained to new Committee Members Josh and Keri Bloyer that the <br />Joint Development Authority (JDA) is comprised of Mayor Grant, Councilmember <br />Brenda Holden, Chair David Sand and also two individuals from Ramsey County. He <br />stated the group would be looking at the various park amenities. <br />Chair Straumann recapped for Mayor Grant the previously discussed material. <br />Mayor Grant asked where the additional 93 acres are located. <br />Chair Straumann referenced a yellow area on a map and a discussion ensued as to where <br />a ClearSpan type structure could be located. <br />Staff Liaison Grant stated she met with Mary Lee of AHATS approximately 5 or 6 <br />months ago. Mary Lee indicated space had been reserved for two full-sized adult soccer <br />fields. <br />Chair Straumann stated a structure such as ClearSpan is an alternative to a more <br />expensive inflatable dome. Once the Committee meets with the National Guard to <br />determine if they are still on board, the next step would be to have a discussion with the <br />various school districts. <br />Staff Liaison Grant suggested contacting the surrounding businesses for sponsorships. <br />Committee Member Petersen asked if this type of facility can be heated and it was <br />discussed the structure can be heated and is very energy efficient. <br />Chair Straumann suggested looking at the Vadnais Heights sports center for ideas as to <br />what type of amenities could be available. <br />Committee Member Petersen asked what the timeline is for meeting with AHATS. <br />Staff Liaison Grant stated there should be a meeting within the next couple of months. <br />Mayor Grant commented that pricing is a key factor.