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APPROVAL OF AGENDAAPPROVAL OF MINUTES1-17 -17 PTRC Meeting Minutes1-17 -17 PTRC MINUTES.PDFUNFINISHED BUSINESSPTRC Joint Meeting PresentationJOINT MEETING PRESENTATION MEMO PDF.PDFCOUNCIL PTRC JOINT MEETING APRIL 2017.PDFNEW BUSINESSPTRC 2017 Member ListPTRC ROSTER MEMO.PDFPTRC ROSTER 2017.PDF2017 PTRC Meeting DatesPTRC MEETING DATES MEMO PDF.PDFPTRC MEETING DATES 2017.PDFNew Signs OrderedNEW SIGNS ORDERED MEMO.PDFNEW SIGNS 2017.PDFIce Rink User InformationPTRC ICE RINK USER INFORMATION MEMO.PDFICE RINK COMPARISON CHARTS 2017.PDFTOTAL PARTICIPANT BREAKDOWN 2017 XLS.PDFTree And Benches SummaryTREE AND BENCHES MEMO.PDFBENCHES AND TREES 2016 - 2.1.16.PDFGaga Ball At Hazelnut ParkGAGA BALL MEMO.PDFGAGA BALL ARTICLE BY SUSAN CATHEY.PDFGAGA BALL PICTURES.PDFREPORTSNEXT MEETING <br />ADJOURN <br />A quorum of the City Council may be present at this <br />meeting. <br />Chair:Rich StraumannCommittee Members:Nancy O'MalleyHarold PetersenJohn Van ValkenburgJosh BloyerKeri BloyerTerry FinlayPaul BegginCouncil Liaison:David Grant           Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee March 21, 20176:30 p.m. City Hall Address:1245 W Highway 96 Arden Hills MN 55112 Phone:651 -792 -7800 Website : City VisionArden Hills is a strong community that values its unique environmental setting, strong residential neighborhoods, vital business community, well -maintained infrastructure, fiscal soundness, and our long -standing tradition as a desirable City in which to live, work, and play. AgendaCALL TO ORDER1.2.2.A.Documents:3.3.A.Documents:4.4.A.Documents:4.B.Documents:4.C.Documents:4.D.Documents:4.E.Documents:4.F.Documents:5.6.