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01-20-15 PTRC Minutes
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PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
01-20-15 PTRC Minutes
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes January 20, 2015 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br /> <br />Anderson should have plans and documents. Ms. Grant indicated that she believes there <br />was a bidding last week and she can send the information to Mr. Straumann. Committee <br />Member Straumann suggested that the committee take a look at their trail gap map. Co- <br />Chair Van Valkenburg asked Ms. Grant to get the trail gap map to the subcommittee for <br />review and then the subcommittee can set up a meeting and report on it. Co-Chair <br />Kramlinger commented that filling in the gaps and making the connections will improve <br />safety but that there are some gaps that need to be addressed. Committee Member <br />Straumann indicated he feels the prior suggestion of having a joint meeting with Ramsey <br />County on trails and he is a wonderful idea. Co-Chair Van Valkenburg suggested they <br />invite Ramsey County to one of their meetings. Committee Member Straumann asked <br />Ms. Grant to make contact with Planner Scott Yonke or Gus who has experience with <br />trails. He commented that at the joint meeting the PTRC usually gives a presentation to <br />Council on their upcoming projects and if the PTRC would like a regional trail they need <br />to partner with Ramsey County. <br /> <br />Committee Member Straumann then gave a brief update on TCAAP and reviewed the <br />master plan and map. <br /> <br /> Pickle Ball <br />Staff Liaison Grant indicated that she and Committee Member Michaelson had a meeting <br />and decided to add a pickle ball court to one of the courts at Cummings. Ms. Grant <br />indicated that she did some research on what would be needed to convert a tennis court <br />into a dual pickle ball/tennis court. She commented that during the summer, she has <br />playground programs going on at Cummings and has a staff member there monitoring the <br />building who would be able to rent out the pickle ball equipment and could also keep <br />track of how many people are playing. Staff Liaison Grant also indicated that she will do <br />a blurb in the Recreation Guide and on the senior page to make residents aware that <br />pickle ball will be coming to Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Co-Chair Van Valkenburg indicated that he feels better communication with the <br />community is needed and that the committee use Ms. Stephens as a resource. <br /> <br />B. Unfinished Business <br /> <br />Ms. Grant provided the committee members with a brochure about the Adopt-A-Garden <br />program. She stated she mirrored some of the information from other cities that have an <br />Adopt-A-Garden program. Ms. Grant stated she found that with most of the cities they <br />are asking volunteers to commit for a year. She indicated she is thinking of putting the <br />brochure into the utility bill to get the word out to the residents. Staff Liaison Grant also <br />stated that the City would provide the materials for the volunteers and that she would <br />have signs made for the gardens indicating who adopted the garden. <br /> <br />Co-Chair Van Valkenburg asked about whether the basketball backboards had been <br />repaired. He asked if Ms. Grant looked into how often they were replaced. Ms. Grant <br />commented that the City does not have a maintenance program or log sheet showing <br />when things have been replaced, but that that is something she will start doing.
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