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10-20-15 PTRC Minutes
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PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
10-20-15 PTRC Minutes
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes October 20, 2015 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />A short discussion then ensued about the need for a parking lot as well as playground <br />equipment and a splash pad as this would be beneficial for families with young children. <br /> <br />Staff Liaison Grant stated the area should have a half-court basketball and tennis courts <br />side by side. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked about pickle ball courts and stated pickle ball lines should <br />be added to all existing and new tennis courts. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Straumann requested Staff Liaison Grant provide clarification regarding <br />overall parking. <br /> <br />Committee Member Michaelson said there would be three basketball courts total in the <br />development area. He asked for clarification about the play structure on Attachment B <br />and questioned when the plans were “scrubbed”, were the items that were going to be <br />provided also eliminated? <br /> <br />Acting Chair Straumann reiterated there will now be two parks in the hill area which will <br />be similar and yet have amenities of the initial park that was eliminated. The two parks <br />will have a different focus based on the population expected in the area. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated at one point, it was discussed that a small ice skating rink <br />would be built in the Town Center area which would prompt the need for a facility to be <br />built that could be rented out. She stated it is her hope that a structure similar to the Perry <br />Park structure would be built somewhere in one of the Rice Creek Commons parks. <br /> <br />A short discussion ensued about how the new structure could be utilized (warming house, <br />changing rooms, bathrooms, showers). <br /> <br />Acting Chair Straumann stated that for the list Committee Member Michaelson is <br />creating, the group should be able to indicate, for example, “We need one of this”. <br /> <br />Committee Member Michaelson stated he was keeping a list of the total items desired but <br />would then like to indicate, for example, “For this development, we want three softball <br />fields, in total.” <br /> <br />Acting Chair Straumann asked Councilmember Holden to clarify what kind of control the <br />Committee will have and asked if the group would work closely with the developer. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated the park on the north end will stay there as that will be an <br />actual City park, and the Committee will be able to determine what amenities will be <br />implemented there. She said other than the wetland area, the other parks are negotiable as <br />far as function and location. <br /> <br />Committee Member Michaelson said it makes sense to him to keep track of how many of <br />each item the Committee wants to have in the whole area and then start wiggling around <br />where the amenities might go -- in total. <br />
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