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193361v2 <br /> Collocate or collocation. To install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or replace a small <br />wireless facility on, under, within, or adjacent to an existing wireless support structure that is <br />owned privately or by a local government unit. <br /> <br /> ∙ Commission. The State Public Utilities Commission. <br /> ∙ Congested Right-of-Way. A crowded condition in the subsurface of the public right-of- <br />way that occurs when the maximum lateral spacing between existing underground facilities does <br />not allow for construction of new underground facilities without using hand digging to expose <br />the existing lateral facilities in conformance with M.S. § 216D.04 (3), as amended from time to <br />time, over a continuous length in excess of 500 feet. <br /> ∙ Construction Performance Bond. Any of the following forms of security provided at <br />permittee's option: <br /> ∙ Individual project bond; <br /> ∙ Cash deposit; <br /> ∙ Security of a form listed or approved under M.S. § 15.73 (3), as amended from time to <br />time; <br /> ∙ Letter of credit, in a form acceptable to the City; <br /> ∙ Self-insurance, in a form acceptable to the City; or <br /> ∙ A blanket bond for projects within the City, or other form of construction bond, for a time <br />specified and in a form acceptable to the City. <br /> ∙ Degradation. A decrease in the useful life of the right-of-way caused by excavation in or <br />disturbance of the right-of-way, resulting in the need to reconstruct such right-of-way earlier than <br />would be required if the excavation or disturbance did not occur. <br /> ∙ Degradation Cost subject to Minnesota Rules 7819.1100. The cost to achieve a level of <br />restoration as determined by the City at the time the permit is issued, not to exceed the maximum <br />restoration shown in plates 1 to 13, set forth in Minnesota Rules parts 7819.9900 to 7819.9950. <br /> ∙ Degradation Fee. The estimated fee established at the time of permitting by the City to <br />recover costs associated with the decrease in the useful life of the right-of-way caused by the <br />excavation, and which equals the degradation cost. <br /> ∙ Inspector. Any person authorized by the City to carry out inspections related to the <br />provisions of this section. <br /> ∙ Delay Penalty. The penalty imposed as a result of unreasonable delays in right-of-way <br />excavation, obstruction, patching or restoration as established by permit. <br /> ∙ Emergency. A condition that: <br /> ∙ Poses a danger to life or health, or of a significant loss of property; or <br />Formatted: Space After: 0 pt <br />Formatted: Font color: Auto