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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – July 5 , 2017 3 <br /> <br />6. Section 1320.145 of the Arden Hills Zoning Code lists additional criteria to be considered <br />when evaluating a Conditional Use Permit application for a property located in the Parks <br />and Open Space District. <br />7. The proposal will have limited impact on existing and anticipated traffic and parking <br />conditions. The addition of SSO collection is not expected to significantly increase <br />existing traffic to the site and many residents will combine SSO drop off with delivering <br />yard waste or collecting compost or mulch. <br />8. The applicant has provided a management plan for the SSO collection that will mitigate <br />any limited impacts associated with odors and solid waste. <br />9. The proposal will not affect noise, glare, vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, and <br />liquid on the property. <br />10. The proposal will not affect drainage on the property. <br />11. The proposal is unlikely to significantly affect land values on the subject property or on <br />neighboring properties. <br />12. The park dedication requirement does not apply in this case. <br />13. The proposed use would be compatible with the natural features of Tony Schmidt <br />Regional Park. <br />14. The proposed use would be compatible with the recreational amenities of Tony Schmidt <br />Regional Park. <br />15. Where the proposed use is expected to impact the health, safety, convenience and general <br />welfare of the owners and occupants of the surrounding land, conditions may be placed <br />on a Conditional Use Permit to mitigate such impacts. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated based on the submitted plans and findings of fact, staff <br />recommends approval of Planning Case 17-015 for a Conditional Use Permit at 1761 Lake <br />Johanna Boulevard to continue the operation of their existing yard waste collection and for the <br />addition of a Source Separated Organics drop-off. Staff recommends the following seven (7) <br />conditions to be included with the approval: <br /> <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as amended by the <br />conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the City <br />Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. <br />2. The yard waste and source separated organics collection areas shall be fully contained on <br />the existing approximately 1.5 acre yard waste site within Tony Schmidt Regional Park. <br />3. Source Separated Organics shall be properly bagged and collected in covered containers <br />that are emptied at a minimum of once per week, or more frequently if needed. <br />4. The site shall be limited to no more than 16 cubic yards of total storage for Source <br />Separated Organics materials. <br />5. Source Separate Organics collection containers shall be securely closed when the <br />collection site is not open to the public. <br />6. For two (2) years following the implementation of the Source Separated Organics <br />collection, Ramsey County shall provide an annual update to the City Council on site <br />operations. <br />7. The collection site shall be adequately staffed during regular hours and sufficient signage <br />shall be provided to ensure quality control of the Source Separate Organics collection <br />area. <br />