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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – July 5 , 2017 5 <br /> <br />Mr. Springman stated the County would be spreading the word through social media, local <br />newsletters, signage at the drop off site and through word of mouth. He indicated bags would be <br />available onsite, at County libraries, or at City Hall. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson questioned if organics would ever be collected curbside. <br /> <br />Mr. Springman anticipated that this would be done in the near future, but could not be done <br />until enough education was provided to the public. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman asked how much of the materials brought to landfills was organic. <br /> <br />Mr. Springman estimated that 25% of the material within landfills was organics. He stated <br />there was a significant advantage to separating organics out from remaining waste. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman inquired if the schools and restaurants were working to recycle <br />organics. <br /> <br />Mr. Springman reported he had staff working with local restaurants, schools and businesses to <br />increase the level of organics being recycled in the County. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson opened the public hearing at 7:57 p.m. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and make <br />comment. <br /> <br />Loren Limke, 1888 West County Road E, commented on the history of the open space adjacent <br />to his home. He understood this property was purchased for open space and not as an organics <br />collection site. He read a definition of how open spaces are to be used within the City. He <br />expressed concern with the high levels of traffic and odors coming to and from the yard waste <br />site. He read a portion of City Code pertaining to open spaces stating these sites were not to have <br />any illegal dumping. He requested the Commission deny the County’s Conditional Use Permit <br />request noting this site was not purchased to be a yard waste site. He recommended that Ramsey <br />County conserve this space and not be allowed to further expand the compost site. <br /> <br />There being no additional comment Chair Thompson closed the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gehrig thanked Mr. Limke for the information he provided to the Commission. <br />He understood the current compost site was public land that was serving a public service, and <br />that the County was requesting an expansion of services. It was his opinion that all the proper <br />pieces were in place to allow for the service expansion. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson explained the community was creating more waste than in the past and she <br />understood that the County was working to address ways to reduce the amount of waste heading <br />to landfills. She indicated she was a very dedicated organics recycler and had a compost site on <br />her property. She appreciated the fact that the County was working to raise awareness on this <br />issue. <br />