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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION – JUNE 26, 2017 3 <br /> <br />• The City’s economic activity; and <br />• Existing parcels in commercial and industrial zones. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson stated that Bethel and Northwestern were consulted and it was found that both <br />universities expect to double their student enrollment due to continuing education programs for <br />working professionals. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson stated that a number of municipalities that have higher education allow this <br />type of use in many of their zoning areas. She stated it was also determined that a number of <br />cities have two types of uses – college campus (which include student housing, athletic and <br />facilities, dining facilities) and college classroom (where actual classes are being conducted). <br /> <br />Chair Thompson indicated that it was determined that the purpose statements for each of Arden <br />Hills zoning districts were realistic based on the expectation for each area. She stated one aspect <br />that stood out was that the similar treatment of the land uses did not necessarily create the <br />distinctly different commercial and industrial zoning districts and that the purpose statements then <br />did not necessarily compliment those areas. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung offered that one example of this discrepancy was in the B4 District. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson stated that regarding economic activity, the study grouped uses into three <br />categories based on the average salary per 1,000 square feet of building area. Category 1 included <br />office buildings in which those workers have more spending dollars. Category 2 included <br />healthcare and retail businesses and some lower wage areas and Category 3 was mainly retail <br />areas where individuals spend their income. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked if education fit into Category 3 and if the difference between Categories 1 <br />and 3 were substantial. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson stated that yes, education fit into Category 3 and that there was in fact a <br />substantial difference between those categories. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung indicated the EDC found the impact between Categories 1 and 3 to be <br />interesting. He said that all categories are important and that Arden Hills was fairly well balanced <br />between Categories 1, 2 and 3 in terms of zoning. <br /> <br />A discussion ensued regarding existing parcels in the commercial and industrial zones, <br />particularly those located in the B2 and B4 districts. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson concluded that the Planning Commission supported the idea of having a <br />“college campus” use and a “college office” use. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden questioned this terminology and what would be gained by the <br />distinction. She wanted to know what would happen if a VoTech wanted to locate to Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler indicated that currently higher education was allowed in five zoning <br />districts either as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) or Conditional Use Permit (CUP). He
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