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701 Xenia Avenue South | Suite 300 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | (763) 541-4800 <br />Building a legacy – your legacy. <br />Equal Opportunity Employer | <br />K:\03455-200\Admin\Meeting\CC Meetings\08212017\WSB Comp Plan Memo 08162017 Final.docx <br />Memorandum <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />William S. Joynes, Sr., City Administrator <br />Matthew Bachler, Senior Planner <br />From: Eric Zweber, AICP <br />Date: August 17, 2017 <br />Re: Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan <br />WSB Project No. 03455-200 <br />Background <br />The Metropolitan Council requires all communities within the seven-county metro area to update <br />their comprehensive plans every ten years. The City Council has authorized WSB & Associates <br />to prepare the 2018 update. The scope of work includes the minimum amount of updates <br />required to meet the Metropolitan Council Requirements. <br />The information in this staff report and attachments includes the updates to the housing chapter <br />of the plan, as well as an evaluation of affordable housing requirements. The results of the <br />Higher Education Study, which was discussed in Agenda Item 1D, will determine potential <br />updates to Land Use chapter of the plan. <br />Housing Chapter <br />Attached to this memorandum is a red-lined copy of the proposed changes to the Housing <br />Chapter (Attachment A). Changes to the existing language of the chapter include only updates to <br />the data, to reflect the current period of the Comprehensive Plan Update. The new sections of <br />the Housing chapter address the new affordable housing information required by the <br />Metropolitan Council. <br />Affordable Housing <br />On September 17, 2015, the Metropolitan Council released a System Statement for each <br />community that listed each community’s requirements for their 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br />Update. Arden Hills’ System Statement’s Land Use and Housing requirements are provided in <br />Attachment B. <br />Affordable Housing Need Allocation <br />The table below lists the Arden Hills affordable housing requirement from 2021 to 2030. The <br />requirement is broken out into three bands for 2040, while 2030 requirement only addressed <br />affordable housing at 60% of the area median income or below. <br />Attachment A