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Page - 2 | METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Print Date: 8/2/2017 Checklist of Minimum Requirements for Arden Hills <br /> <br />For Communities with Special Resources: <br />□ Identify aggregate resources in your community on the Future Land Use Map. <br />□ See the Special Resources section within the Land Use Plan Element for requirements for Critical Area Plans, Historic <br />Preservation, and others. <br /> <br />Density Calculations <br />□ Identify where forecasted residential growth will happen on your Future Land Use Map. Show expected new development <br />and re-developed areas. <br />□ Identify what density range is expected for each residential land use in your community. <br />□ Identify when residential development or redevelopment is anticipated to happen. See the Handbook section on Staged <br />Development and Redevelopment. <br />□ The average net residential density for your community must be consistent with the density requirements for your <br />community designation. <br />□ Provide a minimum and maximum value for each residential density range. (Zero is not an acceptable minimum. The <br />maximum value must be a whole number.) <br />□ Use the lowest allowed residential density from land use ranges in your calculations. For example, a land use that permits a <br />density range of 3-5 units per acre must use 3 units per acre in all density calculations for this land use. This ensures that <br />even at the lowest permitted density, the community will be developing at densities that meet overall density expectations. <br />□ Focus on areas of change. Show us which planned land uses have changed from your previously approved plan and where <br />new land uses (change or development intensity) are planned/expected. <br />□ Provide the net developable acreage for each residential land use. It’s OK to exclude wetlands and natural water bodies, <br />public parks and open space, arterial road rights-of-way, and natural resource lands protected by local plans and <br />ordinances (i.e. steep slopes, wetland buffers, tree preservation) from area calculations. Stormwater ponds, utility <br />easements, local roads, and local rights-of-way cannot be excluded from area calculations. <br />□ The information you develop in your land use plan carries over to other elements of your comprehensive plan. The areas <br />and densities in the land use plan must be consistent across elements related to forecasted growth, wastewater, water, <br />housing, and transportation. <br /> <br />For Communities with an Affordable Housing Allocation: <br />□ Guide residential land at densities sufficient to create opportunities for affordable housing using one of the following <br />options outlined in the Housing Plan Element. Refer to the Projected Housing Need section. <br /> <br />Staged Development and Redevelopment <br />□ Identify potential local infrastructure impacts for each 10-year increment. <br />□ Demonstrate that the municipality is capable of providing services and facilities that accommodate its planned growth. <br />□ The staging plan or likely development phasing must be consistent with the volume of anticipated sewer flow identified in <br />your community’s Local Sewer Plan. <br />□ The staging plan or likely development phasing must support and be consistent with your community’s share of the <br />Region’s Need for Affordable Housing for 2021 - 2030. <br /> <br />For Urban Center, Urban, and Suburban Communities: <br />□ Identify and map the land areas that are available or likely to be available for redevelopment, infill development, or new <br />development in your community. <br />□ Provide a table of those areas identified that includes future land uses, acreages, density ranges, and total residential <br />units in 10-year increments. Use your professional judgment for estimating the timing of development for areas that are <br />uncertain or do not have plans in process. <br /> <br />Natural Resources <br />□ Describe your community’s goals, intentions, and priorities concerning preservation, conservation, or restoration of natural <br />resources in your community. <br /> <br />Special Resource Protection <br />□ All plans must include a protection element for historic sites. <br />□ All plans must include policies for the protection and development of access to direct sunlight for solar energy. Solar access <br />is addressed in depth under the Resilience section. <br />□ All plans must identify whether or not aggregate resources are available within the community. For communities with <br />aggregate resources, additional requirements apply. <br /> <br />