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LINKING YOUR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN TO YOUR COMMUNITY’S HOUSING NEEDS <br />In your housing element, you will identify your community’s existing and projected housing needs. In your <br />implementation plan you will describe the tools you will use to address those needs. The clearer the tools are linked to <br />your needs, the more effective and transparent your comprehensive plan will be. <br />To support the outcome of a clear and transparent housing element, we recommend that you conclude your existing <br />and projected housing need sections with a summary of your community’s housing needs. The summary should <br />provide the foundation upon which to develop your housing implementation program. Consider this example of the <br />final paragraph of an existing housing needs section: <br />Summary of Existing Housing Needs <br />Based on the data and analysis above, we have identified the following housing needs as priorities for our <br />community through 2040. In the implementation section of this plan, you will find a discussion of the tools and <br />strategies we will employ to address those needs. <br />1.Maintenance assistance for low-income homeowners at or below 60% AMI; <br />2.Rental units for large families at all affordability levels; <br />3.Senior housing affordable at 30-50% AMI; <br />4.Preservation of naturally-occurring affordable housing within all bands of affordability, especially near future <br />transit station(s). <br />All communities must address their forecasted growth and discuss how future residential land use guidance will <br />accommodate that growth in their local comprehensive plans. For communities with an allocation of affordable housing <br />need, we recommend you summarize your projected affordable housing needs by describing how you are guiding <br />minimum densities that will support affordable housing development. This is also a good opportunity to connect to the <br />map showing your future land uses within your plan. For example: <br />Summary of Projected Housing Needs <br />To simplify our land use guidance and acknowledge the strong, diverse homeownership options that already <br />exist in our community, we are focusing on guiding land that would support multi-family affordable housing. <br />Therefore our future land use map (see page 38) reflects minimum densities of 8 units per acre sufficient to <br />address our total allocation of affordable housing need of 1,020 units. Some parts of the city, specifically near <br />downtown, are guided at higher density residential uses of 20 units an acre or above, with density bonuses <br />available for the inclusion of affordable housing units. <br />Now you are able to clearly link your stated needs to the widely accepted tools used to meet housing needs. An <br />implementation program for the hypothetical community of Lake Valley Heights addressing the examples above might <br />include a table such as the one below. <br />A few notes about this sample table: <br />1.You do not have to replicate this table’s format, though you certainly may! There are many ways to clearly link <br />stated needs and strategic use of tools. <br />2.If a particular tool is not applicable or appropriate for a particular need, it is not necessary to identify it in the table <br />only to say it will not be used. However, if a tool could be used for a particular need, but likely would not be, the <br />tool should be included in the table and identified as an unlikely source of meeting that particular need. <br />3.Some tools—such as adopting a Fair Housing Policy or participating in Housing organizations—can support your <br />community’s housing needs more broadly by expanding your community’s overall housing strategy. Furthermore, <br />the adoption of a Fair Housing Policy will ensure that your community will continue to be eligible to participate in <br />the Livable Communities Act funding programs. <br />4.Please remember, the list of widely used tools is NOT exhaustive. We strongly encourage you to add any and every <br />tool at your disposal to address your community’s housing needs. <br />HOUSING: LINKING TOOLS TO NEEDS LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Continue to next page <br />Attachment G