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10 <br /> <br /> <br />The previous table summarizes the General Fund Revenues by classification and expenditures by <br />departments, while the table below summarizes the General Fund revenues and expenditures <br />both by classification. <br /> <br />Actual Actual Budget Amended YTD Preliminary % Change <br />FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY2017 06/30/2017 FY 2018 17 vs 18 <br />Revenues <br />Taxes 3,203,004 3,260,537 3,671,390 3,671,390 1,904,025 3,649,390 -0.60% <br />Licenses and Permits 518,845 598,687 347,330 347,330 306,710 324,600 -6.54% <br />Other Intergovernmental 130,023 131,914 145,788 145,788 44,021 133,179 -8.65% <br />Charges for Services 686,443 700,865 573,865 573,865 192,450 585,704 2.06% <br />Fines & Forfeits 32,792 31,868 36,500 36,500 10,646 34,000 -6.85% <br />Special Assessments 1,316 1,332 3,000 3,000 1,158 2,000 -33.33% <br />Miscellaneous 90,137 77,786 82,424 82,424 61,143 65,006 -21.13% <br />Transfers - - - - - - 0.00% <br />Total Revenues 4,662,559$ 4,802,989$ 4,860,297$ 4,860,297$ 2,520,153$ 4,793,879$ -1.37% <br />Expenditures by Department <br />Mayor & Council 58,130$ 65,051$ 66,409$ 66,409$ 27,122$ 67,500$ 1.64% <br />Elections 19,438 21,137 23,000 23,000 4,682 23,000 0.00% <br />Administration 245,608 173,782 307,915 307,915 99,062 283,627 -7.89% <br />Finance & Administrative Services 162,546 172,268 185,676 185,676 101,080 177,130 -4.60% <br />TCAAP 139,812 242,663 187,153 187,153 57,725 167,302 -10.61% <br />Planning & Zoning 170,629 173,853 327,335 327,335 65,313 263,463 -19.51% <br />Government Buildings 219,669 233,560 241,857 241,857 122,394 273,183 12.95% <br />Police & Animal Services 1,083,893 1,089,185 1,179,773 1,179,773 589,043 1,227,688 4.06% <br />Dispatch 68,328 67,780 68,832 68,832 28,680 65,175 -5.31% <br />Fire Protection 459,179 495,216 514,468 514,468 514,468 544,000 5.74% <br />Emergency Management 2,580 2,966 13,729 13,729 299 10,902 -20.59% <br />Protective Inspections 306,299 326,360 323,578 323,578 129,716 346,185 6.99% <br />Street Maintenance 336,397 479,814 538,749 538,749 162,874 561,057 4.14% <br />Park Maintenance 325,706 346,795 441,311 441,311 158,982 431,108 -2.31% <br />Recreation 247,878 275,038 296,468 296,468 115,200 319,252 7.69% <br />Celebrating Arden Hills - - - - - - 0.00% <br />Reserves/Contingency - - - - - - 0.00% <br />Transfers 80,000 775,121 340,000 340,000 340,000 420,000 23.53% <br />Capital Outlay - - - - - - 0.00% <br />Total Expenditures 3,926,091$ 4,940,588$ 5,056,253$ 5,056,253$ 2,516,640$ 5,180,572$ 2.46% <br />Fund Balance - January 1 2,345,942 3,082,410 2,944,811 2,944,811 2,944,811 2,748,855 <br />Excess Revenue Over Expenditure 736,468 (137,599) (195,956) (195,956) 3,513 (386,693) <br />Fund Balance - December 31 3,082,410$ 2,944,811$ 2,748,855$ 2,748,855$ 2,948,324$ 2,362,162$