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Surface Water Mgmt Utility Funds <br />Source 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 <br />330,310 25,310 229,310 294,310 569,310Beginning Balance <br />Revenues and Other Fund Sources <br />Revenue <br />824,000 848,000 874,000 900,000 925,000Operating Revenue <br />824,000 848,000 874,000 900,000 925,000Total <br />1,154,310 873,310 1,103,310 1,194,310 1,494,310Total Funds Available <br />824,000 848,000 874,000 900,000 925,000Total Revenues and Other Fund Sources <br />Expenditures and Uses <br />Capital Projects & Equipment <br />Street Department <br />0 (50,000)0 0 0Old Snelling Ave PMP w/ Bridge Reconstruction 17-Str-004 <br />0 0 (200,000)0 (200,000)Future PMP 18-Str-005 <br />(350,000)0 0 0 0Indian Oaks/Floral Drive PMP - 2018 PMP 18-Str-065 <br />(350,000)(50,000)(200,000)0 (200,000)Total <br />Surface Water Management Dept <br />(200,000)0 0 0 0Surface Water Project 18-Storm-001 <br />(200,000)0 0 0 0Total <br />Other Uses <br />(505,000)(520,000)(535,000)(551,000)(568,000)Operating Exenditures <br />(74,000)(74,000)(74,000)(74,000)(74,000)Transfer to Equipment Fund <br />(579,000)(594,000)(609,000)(625,000)(642,000)Total <br />(1,129,000)(644,000)(809,000)(625,000)(842,000)Total Expenditures and Uses <br />25,310 229,310 294,310 569,310 652,310Ending Balance <br />(305,000)204,000 65,000 275,000 83,000Change in Fund Balance <br />Wednesday, September 13, 2017Page 65Produced Using the Plan-It Capital Planning Software