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08-09-2017 PC
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PC Packets 2017
08-09-2017 PC
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11/17/2017 11:02:39 AM
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11/17/2017 10:59:47 AM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – July 5 , 2017 6 <br /> <br />11. The requested variance complies with the purpose and intent of City’s Zoning <br />Regulations and with the policies of the Land Use and Housing Chapters in the 2030 <br />Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan. <br />12. The proposed use of the property for a single-family dwelling can be constructed on the <br />proposed lot and would be a reasonable use of the property. <br />13. The existing property at 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard is a legal non-conforming lot that <br />does not meet the minimum area or width requirements for the R-2 District. There are <br />very few lots within the City that are as narrow in width as the existing property. <br />14. Given the dimensions of the proposed parcel at 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard, the <br />proposed dwelling needs to be setback at a significant distance from the front property <br />line resulting in the need for a longer access driveway and reduced landscape lot area. <br />15. There are several lots to the south of 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard that have lot widths <br />less than the proposed 42.5-foot width lot and the variance would not alter the essential <br />character of the neighborhood. <br />16. Economic considerations are not the primary reasons for the variance request. <br />17. Adequate access to sunlight will be maintained for both properties. <br />18. The requested variances meet the standard of practical difficulty. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler reported although creating a nonconforming lot is generally <br />discouraged, in this case the applicant is proposing a lot line adjustment that will bring the <br />existing nonconforming parcel at 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard closer to conformance with the <br />R-2 District requirements. The lot line adjustment will result in the property meeting the <br />minimum lot area requirement for this district, which it currently does not. Several properties in <br />this neighborhood, including 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard, were developed as cabins on <br />relatively narrow lots. This presents significant challenges as property owners look to redevelop <br />property for more modern homes. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler explained staff is supportive of the requested reduction in landscape lot <br />area given the dimensions of the property and the need for a longer access drive to reach the <br />buildable portion of the lot. One of the main reasons the City has established landscape lot area <br />requirements is to help manage stormwater and ensure excess runoff does not negatively impact <br />adjacent properties. The applicants have proposed installing a private storm sewer drain along the <br />south side of the property that would capture stormwater runoff from the driveway area and <br />divert it to the east side of the property away from the adjacent dwelling to the south. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated based on the submitted plans and findings of fact, staff <br />recommends approval of Planning Case 17-017 for a Minor Subdivision and Variance for a lot <br />line adjustment at 3420 Fairview Avenue and 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard. If the Planning <br />Commission recommends approval of this request, staff is recommending the following nine (9) <br />conditions be included with the approval: <br /> <br />1. The applicant shall record the Minor Subdivision with Ramsey County and a copy shall <br />be provided to the City within 180 days of the City’s approval. <br />2. Monuments or stakes shall be installed to demarcate the new side property line between <br />3420 Fairview Avenue and 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard. <br />3. A Grading and Erosion Control Permit shall be required prior to construction of the new <br />dwelling at 3417 Lake Johanna Boulevard.
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