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09-06-17 PC
Commissions, Committees, and Boards
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2017
09-06-17 PC
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – September 6, 2017 9 <br /> <br />To address these concerns, staff has prepared the following draft language. <br /> <br />“1320.085 Subd. 6 Higher Education, Classroom/Office Additional Conditional Use <br />Criteria. In addition to meeting the requirements of Sections 1345 and 1355.04 Subd. 3, <br />Higher Education, Classroom/Office uses shall conform to the following: <br /> <br />A. No more than 25% of the total building area within the B-2 zoning district shall be <br />occupied by Higher Education, Classroom/Office uses. <br /> <br />B. Any Higher Education, Classroom/Office use shall provide benefits and have impacts <br />to the B-2 district similar to a traditional business office use regarding traffic, trip <br />generation, parking, hours of operation, noise, odors and other effects. <br /> <br />C. The Higher Education, Classroom/Office use shall not generate any hazardous <br />wastes and shall not result in any outdoor storage.” <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated the limit of 25% of the total building area within the B-2 zoning <br />district was determined as acknowledgement of Bethel University’s current ownership and use of <br />the Anderson Center at 2 Pine Tree Drive. The Anderson Center is 227,138 square feet in area <br />and the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Bethel University allows 189,804 square feet of the <br />Anderson Center for administrative office, classrooms, meeting rooms, common spaces, and <br />other general educational and related purposes. The total area of buildings within the B-2 zoning <br />district is 982,138 square feet. This results in Bethel’s CUP allowing higher educational uses in <br />the Anderson Center occupying 19.3% of the total building space in the B-2 zoning district. The <br />proposed limit of 25% would allow for about 55,730 square feet available for additional higher <br />educational uses. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler reported the City Council has recommended that a separate, stand-alone <br />zoning district be prepared for the Higher Education, Campus uses of the Bethel University and <br />University of Northwestern campuses within Arden Hills. Bethel University’s main campus is <br />located in the B-1 zoning district and the University of Northwestern is located in the R-1 zoning <br />district. The Bethel University campus currently operates under an approved CUP that includes <br />their current facilities and future expansion. Similarly, the University of Northwestern campus <br />operates under an approved Planned Unit Development (PUD). The Bethel CUP and University <br />of Northwestern PUD would not be affected by the proposed rezoning and would continue to <br />remain in effect. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler indicated to create the zoning district, a minimum of three items would <br />need to be addressed: purpose statements, uses, and performance standards. Staff has prepared <br />the following draft language. The proposed performance standards are identical to the B-1 district <br />provisions. <br /> <br />“1320.04 Purpose of Districts. Subd. 20 INST Institutional District. <br />A. To establish areas for the post-secondary education of general public. <br /> <br />B. To establish areas for the training of well-educated and talented workforce. <br />
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