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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—NOVEMBER 27, 2017 4 <br /> 5. The City has adopted the Guiding Plan for the B-2 District that outlines future <br /> development principals for the area. <br /> 6. The City has adopted Design Standards for the B-2 District within the Zoning Code. <br /> 7. The proposed PUD Amendment is in substantial conformance with the requirements of the <br /> City Code. The applicant has requested flexibility for the minimum number of stacking <br /> spaces required for a fast food restaurant and for the wall signage copy area. <br /> 8. The proposed PUD Amendment is in conformance with the Guiding Plan for the B-2 <br /> District. <br /> 9. The proposed PUD Amendment is in conformance with the Arden Hills 2030 <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 10. The additional sign copy area requested for wall signage satisfies the Sign Standard <br /> Adjustment criteria included in Section 1260.01 of the City Code. <br /> 11. The PUD process allows for flexibility within the City's regulations through a negotiated <br /> process with a developer. Where the plan is not in conformance with the City's Zoning <br /> Code, flexibility has been requested by the applicant and/or conditions have been placed <br /> on an approval that would mitigate the nonconformity. <br /> 12. The proposed PUD Amendment is not anticipated to create a negative impact on the <br /> immediate area or the community as a whole. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler stated the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval (4-0) of <br /> Planning Case 17-024 for a PUD Amendment at 1160 County Road E West, based on the findings <br /> of fact and the submitted plans in the November 27, 2017, Report to the City Council, as amended <br /> by the following seven (7) conditions: <br /> 1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by the <br /> conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the City <br /> Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and the City <br /> Council. <br /> 2. The Developer shall obtain the required development permits within one year of the <br /> approval date or the approval shall expire, unless extended by the City Council prior to the <br /> approval's expiration date. Extension requests must be submitted in writing to the City at <br /> least 45 days prior to the expiration date. <br /> 3. A PUD Amendment Agreement shall be prepared by the City Attorney and subject to City <br /> Council approval. The Agreement shall be executed prior to the issuance of any <br /> development permits. <br /> 4. Final grading, drainage, utility, and site plans shall be subject to approval by the City <br /> Engineer, Building Official, City Planner, and Fire Marshall prior to the issuance of a <br /> Grading and Erosion Control Permit or other development permits. <br /> 5. A Sign Permit shall be required for each wall sign and the menu ordering board. <br /> 6. The relocated parking lot island shall be replanted to include a minimum of one (1)tree. <br /> 7. The Developer shall provide a total of 8.5 caliper inches of new tree plantings on the site. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the sign on the south of the building would be visible from the eStreet <br /> flats. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler reported the sign on the south building wall would not be visible from <br /> the E Street Flats apartment building. <br />
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