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6 <br /> <br />shift change, the EMPLOYER will assign personnel to fill the shift based on seniority. <br />Those employees with the least seniority will be assigned first until all shifts are <br />assigned. <br /> 8.3 The employees shall be allowed one coffee break in the morning of thirty (30) minutes in <br /> duration inclusive of driving time to and from the Public Works building if required, and <br />no coffee break in the afternoon. They shall be allowed a lunch period of thirty (30) <br />minutes for which they will receive no pay. <br />The thirty (30) minutes unpaid lunch break will exclude driving time to and from the <br />work site to the City garage. This driving time will be limited to driving to and from <br />the City garage and the work site(s); interim stops will not be perm itted. <br />It is understood that the EMPLOYER or designated representative may require that <br />the thirty (30) minutes unpaid lunch break be taken at the work site when <br />warranted for reasons of business necessity. <br /> 8.4 In the event that work is required because of unusual circumstances such as (but not <br />limited to) fire, flood, snow, sleet, or breakdown of municipal equipment or facilities, no <br />advance notice need be given. It is not required that an employee working other than <br />the normal work day be scheduled to work more than eight (8) hours; however, each <br />employee has an obligation to work overtime or call backs if requested unless unusual <br />circumstances prevent the employee from so working. <br /> 8.5 Service to the public may require the establishment of regular work weeks that schedule <br />work on Saturdays and/or Sundays. <br /> 8.6 No involuntary time off without pay (temporary lay-off) will be implemented for regular <br />employees while temporary or part-time employees are on the payroll, with the exception <br />of the employee doing janitorial work at City Hall and the "On the Job Training" students. <br /> 8.7 In the event that the EMPLOYER initiates a temporary interruption in employment the <br />EMPLOYER may provide employees in the affected unit an opportunity to voluntarily <br />request leaves of absence without pay. Such temporary interruptions in employment <br />shall not be considered a lay-off. While on unpaid leave of absence due to temporary <br />interruption in employment the employee will continue to accrue seniority. <br />ARTICLE IX — OVERTIME PAY <br /> 9.1 For the purposes of determining overtime pay, each day will be the twenty-four (24) hour <br />period beginning at 12:01 a.m. and ending at midnight, while each week will be <br />the seven (7) day period beginning on Saturday and ending on Friday. <br /> 9.2 Hours worked in excess of eight (8) within a twenty-four (24) hour period (except for shift <br />changes) or more than forty (40) within a seven (7) day period will be compensated <br />for at one and one-half (1-1/ 2) times the employee's regular base pay. All hours <br />worked on an actual holiday will be compensated for at two (2) times the employee's <br />regular base pay. (Refer to definitions found in Article VI, section 6.9) For purposes <br />of this section, "hours worked" shall include hours designated as holiday, personal <br />time off, or compensatory time-off. <br /> 9.3 At the discretion of the EMPLOYER, an employee may receive compensatory time off in