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APPROVAL OF AGENDAPUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONALPublic inquiries/informational is an opportunity for citizens to bring to the Council ’s attention any items not currently on the agenda. In addressing the Council, please state your name and address for the record, and a brief summary of the specific item being addressed to the Council. To allow adequate time for each person wishing to address the Council, we ask that individuals limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Written documents may be distributed to the Council prior to the meeting, or as bench copies, to allow a more timely presentation.STAFF COMMENTSRice Creek Commons (TCAAP) And Joint Development Authority (JDA) UpdateDave Perrault, City Administrator MEMO.PDFAPPROVAL OF MINUTESJanuary 8, 2018 Regular City Council01-08 -18 -R.PDFCONSENT CALENDARThose items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion under a Consent Calendar format. There will be no separate discussion of these items, unless a Councilmember so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered separately in its normal sequence on the agenda.Motion To Approve Claims And PayrollDave Perrault, City Administrator MEMO.PDFMotion To Approve City Administrator PERA ExclusionDave Perrault, City Administrator MEMO.PDFATTACHMENT A.PDFATTACHMENT B.PDFMotion To Approve Civil Defense Siren Equipment PurchaseSue Polka, Public Works Director/City Engineer MEMO.PDFATTACHMENT A.PDFATTACHMENT B.PDFATTACHMENT C.PDFATTACHMENT D.PDFATTACHMENT E.PDFMotion To Adopt Resolutions 2018 -007 And 2018 -008 –Parking Restrictions –Old Highway 10 And County Road E2Sue Polka, Public Works Director/City Engineer MEMO.PDFATTACHMENT A.PDFATTACHMENT B.PDFMotion To Approve Advertising For Finance Director PositionDave Perrault, City Administrator MEMO.PDFMotion To Approve Advertising For Public Works Maintenance WorkerDave Perrault, City Administrator <br />MEMO.PDF <br />PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br />Those items that are pulled from the Consent Calendar will be removed from the <br />general order of business and considered separately in its normal sequence on the <br />agenda. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Planning Case 17 -028 –Site Plan Review –1504 Edgewater Avenue <br />Matthew Bachler, City Planner <br />MEMO.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT A.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT B.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT C.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT D.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT E.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT F.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT G.PDF <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Resolution 2018 -009 –Approving Final Layout For The US 10 Improvements – <br />Municipal Consent <br />Sue Polka, Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />MEMO.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT A.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT B.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT C.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT D.PDF <br />ATTACHMENT E.PDF <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />ADJOURN <br />Mayor:David Grant Councilmembers:Brenda Holden Fran HolmesDave McClungSteve Scott     Regular City Council AgendaJanuary 22, 20187:00 p.m. City Hall Address:1245 W Highway 96 Arden Hills MN 55112 Phone:651 -792 -7800 Website : City VisionArden Hills is a strong community that values its unique environmental setting, strong residential neighborhoods, vital business community, well -maintained infrastructure, fiscal soundness, and our long -standing tradition as a desirable City in which to live, work, and play.CALL TO ORDER1.2.3.3.A.Documents:4.4.A.Documents:5.5.A.Documents:5.B.Documents:5.C.Documents:5.D.Documents:5.E.Documents:5.F. <br />Documents: <br />6. <br />7. <br />8. <br />8.A. <br />Documents: <br />9. <br />9.A. <br />Documents: <br />10.