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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—MARCH 12, 2018 12 <br /> between the cases. He noted that Planning Case 06-038 was approved and Planning Case 06-05 <br /> was denied. <br /> Mayor Grant commented there was no variance request for this Planning Case. He understood <br /> staff believed the Lift Station could be maintained with a reduced easement and that the City <br /> would be have the authority, within a developer's agreement, to enforce maintenance of the catch <br /> basins. He questioned what grounds the City had to deny the request. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik stated this was for the City Council to determine based on Findings of <br /> Fact. He reported the Council had limited discretion to go outside of the criteria within City <br /> Ordinance. He advised it would be very difficult to create findings for denial. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the house on Lot 2 was wider than 50 feet. <br /> City Planner Bachler explained the site plan was simply showing the location of the building <br /> pad, which was 50 feet wide and 60 feet deep. He anticipated the home plans for this lot would <br /> differ from the proposed building pad but would be required to meet setback requirements. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned if a potential buyer could ask for a variance to the proposed setbacks in <br /> order to construct a house that was wider than 50 feet. <br /> City Planner Bachler stated a variance request could be submitted by the future property owner <br /> of Lot 2 if their house plans were for a house wider than 50 feet. Further discussion ensued <br /> regarding the building pad for Lot 2. <br /> Councilmember Holden addressed the comments and concerns raised by the public at the <br /> Planning Commission meeting. She asked if the wetland protection requirements were being met <br /> for this plat. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik reported all wetland protection requirements had been met. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested further comment from the City Attorney regarding the <br /> proposed tree removal. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik stated he concurred with staff and explained on an area such as the <br /> building pad all trees would have to be removed. <br /> Councilmember Holden explained that in this neighborhood the houses are generally, much <br /> further apart. She questioned if the R-2 zoning requirements should override the character of the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik stated this was the case. In his opinion, a property owner's rights were <br /> determined by the zoning of their property. <br /> Councilmember Scott indicated he had a problem with the site plan. He believed that while Lot <br /> 2 technically met the intent of the law it did not meet the spirit of the law. He reported the <br /> majority of this lot was only 66 feet in width. <br />