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City of Arden Hills – 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved:, 2018 <br />7-1 <br />7. Housing <br />Goal: Develop and maintain a strong, vital, diverse and stable housing supply for all <br />members of the community. <br />To achieve this housing goal, the following policies are proposed: <br />o Promote the development of a variety of housing options by preserving and <br />increasing high-quality housing opportunities that are suitable for a mix of ages, <br />incomes and household types. <br />o Encourage the incorporation of affordable and life-cycle housing into new <br />development and redevelopment where feasible. <br />o Maintain the quality, safety, and unique character of the City’s housing stock. <br />o Preserve and strengthen the community’s neighborhoods to maintain a high- <br />quality of life for residents. <br />o Encourage housing development and redevelopment that is complimentary to <br />and enhances the character of the City’s established neighborhoods. <br />7.1 INTRODUCTION <br />One of the principal roles of a community is to serve as a place to live. In Arden Hills, <br />21.2 percent of all of the land area in the community is currently used for housing (not <br />including TCAAP). The approved TCAAP Master Plan envisions that 38.0 percent of <br />the total 427 acre site will be developed for residential uses. Because housing is such <br />an important part of Arden Hills, maintaining the quality of the current housing stock <br />while providing long-term opportunities for new housing is important to the ongoing <br />vitality of the community and to retaining Arden Hills’ reputation as a highly desirable <br />place to live. <br />7.2 CONTEXT <br />According to the Metropolitan Council, Arden Hills had 3,198 housing units in 2015. A <br />housing unit is the actual structure while a household refers to the people living in a <br />housing unit. Approximately 66 percent of the housing units in Arden Hills are detached <br />single-family homes, 13 percent are attached single family homes (commonly referred Draft 04/04/2018