<br />-18-
<br />
<br />The Statement of Activities tracks the City’s yearly revenues and expenses, as well as any other
<br />transactions that increase or reduce total net position. These amounts represent the full cost of providing
<br />services. The Statement of Activities provides a more comprehensive measure than just the amount of
<br />cash that changed hands, as reflected in the fund-based financial statements. This statement includes the
<br />cost of supplies used, depreciation of long-lived capital assets, and other accrual-based expenses.
<br />
<br />The following table presents the change in the net position of the City for t he years ended December 31,
<br />2017 and 2016:
<br />
<br />2016
<br />Program
<br />Expenses Revenues Net Change Net Change
<br />Governmental activities
<br />1,322,106$ 451,414$ (870,692)$ (943,475)$
<br />2,158,835 1,034,424 (1,124,411) (1,212,122)
<br />3,512,218 2,190,730 (1,321,488) (276,443)
<br />759,737 164,228 (595,509) (607,355)
<br />276,841 – (276,841) (361,029)
<br />Business-type activities
<br />2,159,874 2,127,525 (32,349) 333,289
<br />1,780,260 1,796,228 15,968 536,225
<br />481,026 835,030 354,004 343,849
<br />147,919 175,713 27,794 16,988
<br />Total net (expense) revenue 12,598,816$ 8,775,292$ (3,823,524) (2,170,073)
<br />General revenues
<br />Property taxes 3,526,347 3,278,287
<br />Tax increment collections 295,788 242,544
<br />Franchise taxes 109,070 132,548
<br />Unrestricted investment earnings 172,101 173,026
<br />Total general revenues 4,103,306 3,826,405
<br />Change in net position 279,782$ 1,656,332$
<br />2017
<br />Net (expense) revenue
<br />General government
<br />Public safety
<br />Parks and recreation
<br />Public works
<br />Water
<br />Recycling
<br />Economic development
<br />Sewer
<br />Surface water management
<br />
<br />One of the goals of this statement is to provide a side-by-side comparison to illustrate the difference in the
<br />way the City’s governmental and business-type operations are financed. The table clearly illustrates the
<br />dependence of the City’s governmental operations on general revenues, such as property taxes and
<br />unrestricted investment earnings. It also shows that, for the most part, the City’s business-type activities
<br />are generating sufficient program revenues (service charges and program-specific grants) to cover
<br />expenses. This is critical given the current downward pressures on the general revenue sources.