<br />PUP Laws Are Not Proven to Reduce Tobacco Use / 2
<br />
<br />
<br />PUP laws may have some potential if combined with laws banning sales to minors, evidence of their
<br />effectiveness still is lacking, and many concerns about how to effectively implement them remain.
<br />
<br />Regardless of whether a state chooses to implement PUP provisions as part of its youth access law,
<br />rigorous enforcement of restrictions against sales to minors is critical to minimizing the accessibility of
<br />tobacco products and, ultimately, reducing youth tobacco use. The most successful youth access
<br />programs incorporate routine retailer compliance checks which use minors to make attempted tobacco
<br />purchases.9
<br />
<br />Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, November 18, 2014 / Lorna Schmidt
<br />
<br />
<br />1 DiFranza, JR, “Which interventions against the sale of tobacco to minors can be expected to reduce smoking?” Tobacco Control,
<br />doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050145, published online first October 12, 2011.
<br />2 American Lung Association, State Legislated Action on Tobacco Issues, 2014.
<br />3 American Lung Association, State Legislated Action on Tobacco Issues, 2014.
<br />4 Wakefield, M, and Giovino, G, “Teen penalties for tobacco possession, use, and purchase: evidence and issues,” Tobacco Control, 12(Suppl
<br />I):i6-i13, 2003; Jason, LA, et al., “Youth Tobacco Sales-to-Minors and Possession-Use-Purchase Laws: A Public Health Controversy,” J Drug
<br />Education, 35(4):275-290, 2005.
<br />5 Wakefield, M, and Giovino, G, “Teen penalties for tobacco possession, use, and purchase: evidence and issues,” Tobacco Control, 12(Suppl
<br />I):i6-i13, 2003.
<br />6 Wakefield, M, and Giovino, G, “Teen penalties for tobacco possession, use, and purchase: evidence and issues,” Tobacco Control, 12(Suppl
<br />I):i6-i13, 2003.
<br />7 Wakefield, M, and Giovino, G, “Teen penalties for tobacco possession, use, and purchase: evidence and issues,” Tobacco Control, 12(Suppl
<br />I):i6-i13, 2003.
<br />8 Hrywna, M, et al., “Content Analysis and Key Informant Interviews to Examine Community Response to the Purchase, Possession, and/or
<br />Use of Tobacco by Minors,” J Comm Health, 29(3):209-216, 2004; Wakefield, M, and Giovino, G, “Teen penalties for tobacco possession, use,
<br />and purchase: evidence and issues,” Tobacco Control, 12(Suppl I):i6-i13, 2003; Loukas, A, et al., “Examining the Perspectives of Texas Minors
<br />Cited for Possession of Tobacco,” Health Promotion Practice, 7(2):197-205, 2006.
<br />9 DiFranza, JR, “Which interventions against the sale of tobacco to minors can be expected to reduce smoking?” Tobacco Control,
<br />doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050145, published online first October 12, 2011.