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From:Joe Federer <br />To:Matthew Bachler <br />Subject:Subdivision of 3865 New Brighton Road <br />Date:Wednesday, January 10, 2018 5:29:58 PM <br />Attachments:image.png <br />I apologize for reference, spelling, or other errors. I did my best to be accurate and clear. I <br />only had a few days to come up with this due to the notice being sent to the wrong house; I <br />appreciate your patience. I only plan to read the last section if I speak. <br />17-029 should be recommended for denial for the following list of reasons: <br />Wetland protection: <br />Subdivision rules require stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) - I do not see one. <br />7.7 and 8.3 grade on driveway AWAY from the basin... then gravity pulls directly down even <br />steeper grade to wetland. I showed the plans to a hydrologist at a federal science agency and <br />he indicates that almost none of the water that hits the driveways would infiltrate as it does <br />now and none of it would make it into the southerly basin and, instead, would flow south of <br />the basin "creating erosion and potential water quality issues and additional sedimentation in <br />the wetland" for lot 1 and added flow to the street for lot 2. I also contacted RCWD and they <br />have many concerns (including the myriad problems noted in the WSB review)[ but not <br />limited to the basins being so close to the wetlands that there isn't room for infiltration and the <br />fact soil borings have not been provided, <br />Further, stormwater basins require maintenance. The city has stated multiple times they are <br />not responsible for maintenance. What wording is being included to ensure they are <br />maintained and inspected properly and what penalty is there for not doing so? Who will be <br />ensuring their they are maintained, safe (there are lots of very young children in the area - <br />including my 2 year olds), that they don't stagnate and turn into mosquito nests? With the <br />owner moving and the applicant not being from the city, I'm concerned this won't be well done <br />in the out years. <br />Property Sizes: <br />Previous attempts to split lots in this area have resulted in comments about density[2][7] as <br />well as being less willing to split "when there is currently reasonable use of the property."... <br />which there certainly is. In 2006 [7] a development with 3695 and 3685 New Brighton Road <br />was proposed with less density (it included the same total number of houses, but included <br />3695 New Brighton Road as well) and there were significant concerns about it - many are the <br />same now, but worse. <br />The future use plan labels this area "low density residential". As platted with drainage, easements, and wetland, it will/could <br />be 3 houses, all 15 feet from each other. That's not low density and certainly doesn't fit with the neighborhood - where, during <br />summer, I literally can't see another house from my back yard. These lots are extremely skinny - lot 2 is <br />functionally 66 feet wide. It flares at the road by way of including the easement to meet the <br />minimum road width rules. It's only actually 31 feet wide at the road if you remove the <br />easement. The fact the original property is being squeezed so much that they have to 1) move their driveway, 2) change