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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – January 10, 2018 6 <br /> <br /> <br />Jewell Perry Martin, 3670 New Brighton Road, stated she lives next to Perry Park. She <br />explained she was born and raised on New Brighton Road. She discussed the quaint <br />neighborhood she lives in and did not support the construction of new homes in the lowland. <br />She believed this area was made to be natural wetlands. She feared the new homes would <br />destroy the wetlands and recommended the Planning Commission deny this request. <br /> <br />Andy Berg, 3744 Brighton Way, indicated he opposed this project. He stated the developer was <br />trying to cram three homes onto a property with a wetland. He expressed concern with how the <br />wetland would be impacted. He asked if this development would have funds set aside to protect <br />and maintain the wetland. He commented he was concerned with the amount of trees that would <br />be lost, along with the vacation of the sewer easement. He questioned if the City would be able <br />to adequately maintain the lift station if the easement were decreased in size. He inquired who <br />would be paying for the retaining wall next to the lift station. He noted Thom Drive was not a <br />standard City street as it was only 23 feet wide. He stated he feared how Thom Drive would be <br />impacted by the additional traffic from the three proposed driveways. <br /> <br />Ivan Gilbert, 3707 New Brighton Road, stated he understood the three lots met the City’s <br />standards but reported the new homes would change the character of the neighborhood. He <br />explained he has lived in his home for 42 years. He indicated he moved to this area of Arden <br />Hills for the view and openness of the surrounding area. He feared how his neighborhood would <br />be impacted by cramming three homes onto this property. <br /> <br />Dick Kotoski, Coldwell Banker Burnett and representative for the applicant, discussed the <br />amount of fill that would be brought onto the property noting it would not be extensive. He <br />anticipated fill would only be placed on the building pads. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jones questioned why the applicant had requested the cottonwood trees not be <br />counted as significant trees. <br /> <br />Mr. Kotoski, stated in 2013 the City drafted a newsletter article that claimed buckthorn and <br />cottonwoods were a nuisance. He provided the Planning Commission with a copy of this article. <br />He commented on the expense the developer would have to incur to mitigate and replace the <br />trees for this development. He stated most of the trees in the area of basin one were <br />cottonwoods. He understood that these were heavily wooded lots and noted the lots would <br />remain heavily wooded. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson requested further information on the RCWD permit. <br /> <br />Mr. Kotoski explained the developer has been in talks with them. He stated he did not <br />anticipate any problems in receiving a permit from the watershed district. <br /> <br />Chair Thompson asked if the stormwater management plan was in progress. <br /> <br />Mr. Kotoski reported this was the case. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jones questioned if this roadway ever floods at the low point. <br />