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RCWD Permit Number 17-121 <br />2. The applicant must submit a Draft Declaration for Maintenance of Stormwater Management <br />Facilities acceptable to District engineer and attorney for proposed onsite stormwater <br />management features. <br />3. The applicant must provide an attested copy of any and all signed and notarized legal <br />document(s)from the County Recorder. Applicant may wish to contact the County Recorder to <br />determine recordation requirements prior to recordation <br />4. The applicant must submit the appropriate cash surety amount of$1,000 along with an executed <br />escrow agreement acceptable to the District. If the applicant desires an original copy for their <br />records, then two original signed escrow agreements should be submitted. <br />Stipulations: The permit will be issued with the following stipulations as conditions of the permit. By <br />accepting the permit, applicant agrees to these stipulations <br />1. An as-built survey of all stormwater BMPs (ponds, rain gardens, trenches, swales, etc.) is to be <br />submitted to the District for verification of compliance with the approved plans before return of the <br />surety. <br />Exhibits: <br />1. Revised project plans dated 1-10-2018 (revisions date) and received 1-11-2018, including cover <br />sheet, legend, preliminary plat/existing conditions, site utility plan, grading plan, erosion control <br />plan, details, landscape plan, and tree preservation plan <br />2. Revised Stormwater Calculations, dated 1-10-2018 and received 1-12-2018, containing narrative, <br />soils information, drainage maps, HydroCAD report for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year rainfall <br />events for proposed and existing conditions. <br />3. Braun Intertec Boring logs dated 6-1-2006 and received 1-11-2018 <br />4. Earth Science Testing boring logs (for home locations) dated 11-8-2017 and received 1-11-2018 <br />5. Proposed plat including drainage and utility easement information undated and received 1-11- <br />2018 <br />6. Revised project plans dated 11-29-2017 (revision date) and received 12-12-2017, including cover <br />sheet, legend, preliminary plat/existing conditions, site utility plan, grading plan, erosion control <br />plan, details, landscape plan, and tree preservation plan <br />7. Revised Stormwater Calculations, dated 11-29-2017 and received 12-08-2017, containing <br />narrative, soils information, drainage maps, HydroCAD report for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100- <br />year rainfall events for proposed and existing conditions. <br />8. Project plans dated 11-08-2017 and received 11-16-2017 including cover sheet, legend, <br />preliminary plat/existing conditions, site utility plan, grading plan, erosion control plan, details, <br />landscape plan, and tree preservation plan. <br />9. Stormwater Calculations, dated 11-03-2017 and received 11-16-2017, containing narrative, <br />drainage maps, HydroCAD report for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year rainfall events for <br />proposed and existing conditions. <br />10. Permit application dated 12-04-2017 and received 12-05-2017. <br />Rice Creek Watershed District Page 2 of 4 1/31/2018