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03-07-18 PC
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PC Packets 2018
03-07-18 PC
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8/30/2018 4:27:00 PM
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8/30/2018 4:05:07 PM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – February 7, 2018 10 <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler explained staff is recommending minor changes to what is allowed for <br />freestanding signage. The City has received fewer requests for additional freestanding sign area <br />or height as compared to requests for additional wall signage. Where additional height or copy <br />area is needed for a freestanding sign, property owners can still request flexibility through the <br />sign standard adjustment process. Generally, the changes that were made would increase the <br />amount of sign copy area in industrial districts to 80 square feet (currently most industrial <br />properties are allowed 25 or 45 square feet), and allow for additional sign copy and height for <br />properties with highway frontage. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler reported dynamic display refers to signs that use technologies such as <br />LCD or LED to display content including videos, digital images, or text. He explained dynamic <br />display signs are currently prohibited in the City. In the past, staff has interpreted digital display <br />to refer to a sign with any type of digital content, including weather data and gas prices. At the <br />Planning Commission meeting on February 8, 2017, commissioners expressed an interest in <br />allowing for certain types of dynamic display signs if standards were put in place to ensure <br />quality and to reduce distraction to drivers. Staff reviewed standards adopted by Roseville, New <br />Brighton, Shoreview, and Mounds View for dynamic display signs and has summarized the main <br />types of standards below. Based on Planning Commission feedback on this item, additional work <br />would need to be completed on possible standards for dynamic display signs. <br /> <br />Duration and Transition <br />The City can regulate how long a sign image is displayed for before there is a transition to <br />another image. This would ensure that video or a rapid sequence of images were not used that <br />could cause distraction. Roseville requires a minimum duration of 25 seconds and the three other <br />communities require a minimum of 8 seconds. The transition between images could be required <br />to be instantaneous. Transitions that include fading, dissolving, scrolling, traveling, or any other <br />illusion of movement could be prohibited. <br /> <br />Brightness <br />To reduce the visual impact of dynamic display signs at night, the City could consider setting <br />maximum brightness levels. The unit for measuring the brightness of the face of a sign is a nit <br />(candelas per square meter). Roseville has adopted a maximum illumination of 5,000 nits during <br />daylight hours and 500 nits between dusk and dawn as measured from the sign’s face at <br />maximum brightness. Roseville also requires that dynamic display signs include a dimmer <br />control that automatically reduces the illumination level of the sign between one half-hour before <br />sunset and one half-hour after sunrise. <br /> <br />Sign Content <br />The Sign Code currently prohibits outdoor advertising signs, which are signs that advertise a <br />product, business, service, event, or any other matter that is not available or does not take place <br />on the same premises as the sign. If dynamic display signs were permitted, the messages <br />displayed would be required to be for products and services offered on the property. An <br />exception could be time and temperature display signs. <br /> <br />Size <br />The area of a dynamic display sign would be included in the maximum sign area permitted for <br />the sign type. The City could place limits on how much of a sign area could be comprised of
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