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City of Arden Hills – 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved:, 2018 <br />7-12 <br />In December of 2014, the Metropolitan Council released a report entitled “Thrive <br />2040 Housing Policy Plan” The report not only forecasts the regional need by <br />2030 for newly constructed, affordable housing but it allocates each community’s <br />share of the regional need. The total need for newly constructed affordable <br />housing in the Twin Cities is estimated to be 37,900 units between 2021 and <br />2030.Each community’s share of the regional need is allocated based on a <br />number of factors. According to the Metropolitan Council, 33.2 percent of new <br />housing units in all cities should be affordable. Allocations are then adjusted by <br />the balance of low-wage jobs and workers and the and existing affordable <br />housing stock. Based on the formula, the Metropolitan Council has allocated a <br />need for 373 affordable housing units to Arden Hills between now and the year <br />2030. <br />Housing—along with food, clothing, transportation and medical care—is a <br />necessity. For many households, it is their largest monthly expense. When <br />households spend more than 30% of their monthly income on housing costs, <br />they are considered “cost-burdened.” <br /> Existing Affordable Housing Need <br />While the Census Bureau does not report household incomes in the ranges <br />identical to the affordable income limits of the Metropolitan Council, Tables 7.7 <br />and 7.8, represents an approximation of the number of Arden Hills households <br />that fall within the three AMI ranges. On a pro-rated basis, there is 302 <br />households with incomes at 30% of AMI and below, 334 households with <br />incomes between 30% and 50% of AMI, and 500 households with incomes <br />between 50% and 80% of AMI. <br />Initially the 242 cost burdened households with incomes of 30% of AMI or below, <br />the 150 cost burdened households with incomes between 50% and 80% AMI, <br />and the 201 cost burdened households with incomes between 50% and 80% AMI <br />listed in Table 7.10 would indicate that Arden Hills would need more affordable <br />housing units. The 318 existing housing units affordable at 30% AMI and below <br />exceeds the approximately 302 households in Arden Hills with incomes at 30% <br />and below. The 384 existing housing units affordable between 30% and 50% <br />AMI exceeds the approximately 334 households in Arden Hills with incomes <br />between 30% and 50% AMI. The 790 existing housing units affordable between <br />50% and 80% AMI exceeds the approximately 500 households in Arden Hills <br />with incomes between 50% and 80% AMI. What appears to be happening is that Draft 03/07/2018