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09-06-17 EDC
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09-06-17 EDC
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City of Arden Hills – 2030 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved: September 28, 2009 <br />6-5 <br />6. Commercial (COM) – areas designated for a broad range of retail, shopping, <br />and services to meet the needs of the community and region. Compatible <br />uses such as office buildings are also intended for this area. <br />7. Office (OFC) – Predominantly administrative, professional, or clerical <br />services; includes medical clinics. <br />8. Mixed Use Industrial (MUI) – includes light manufacturing and/or processing, <br />warehousing, distribution, and offices. <br />9. Light Industrial (LI) – primarily light manufacturing and/or processing of <br />products; could include light industrial land use, distribution, warehouse <br />facilities, and offices as a secondary use. <br />10. Park and Open Space (P/OS) – areas designated as public parks. <br />11. Public & Institutional (P/I) – areas designated for uses such as government <br />buildings, colleges, schools, and religious uses but not medical uses. <br />12. Utility (UTL) – Public or private land occupied by a power substation, water <br />tower, municipal well, pumping station, or similar use. <br />13. Vacant (VAC) – Private land not occupied with a building or use. <br />14. Water (WAT) – includes permanently flooded open water, rivers and streams, <br />and wetlands (wetlands not included in the national wetland inventory data <br />may not be displayed). <br />15. Railroad right-of-way (RR) – Railroad right-of-way. <br />16. Right-of-way (ROW) – public vehicular, transit and/or pedestrian rights-of- <br />way. <br /> <br />Although there were few land use changes between 1998 and 2008, there are <br />differences between the 1998 future land use data and the 2008 existing land use data. <br />The differences are largely attributable to more accurate data in 2008, the delayed <br />redevelopment of the TCAAP property, and other vacant property that was not <br />developed. The two data sets use different land use descriptions because the 2008 <br />existing land use data is based on actual land use while the 1998 future land use <br />numbers were based on anticipated development. <br /> <br />In addition to more accurate data, there were a few land use changes between 1998 <br />and 2008. In 2007, the Hazelnut Park #3 subdivision and subsequent extension of <br />Katie Lane was approved, which increased the amount of land used for right-of-way. As <br />part of the 2005 pavement management program, the road that connected Red Fox <br />Road to Grey Fox Road was vacated, which reduced the amount of area used for right- <br />of-way. Fernwood Avenue on the Boston Scientific (formerly Guidant) campus was <br />vacated while Cummings Drive was dedicated to the City. <br /> <br />The land uses on the TCAAP property were the most notable differences from what was <br />expected in the 1998 future land uses to the actual land uses in 2008. Since 1998, the <br />number of acres that were anticipated to be part of the TCAAP redevelopment has been
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