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05-09-18 PC
Commissions, Committees, and Boards
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2018
05-09-18 PC
Entry Properties
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9/25/2018 12:52:38 PM
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9/25/2018 12:52:16 PM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – May 9, 2018 10 <br /> <br />and Primrose would only be completing minor modifications to the building’s exterior, such as <br />installing new doors. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler commented in terms of the exterior of the site, the most significant change <br />would be the replacement of the parking stalls and drive lanes on the west and south side of the <br />building with an approximately 13,500 square foot playground area. The proposed playground <br />would include a variety of different types of equipment for different age groups, including play <br />structures, swing sets, and a basketball hoop. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler stated the parking area on the north side of the building would be <br />modified to include two one-way drive lanes with diagonal parking stalls. Two new parking lot <br />islands would also be added to help better define the central row of parking. Six new parking <br />stalls would be constructed on the eastern side of the site directly south of the Lexington Avenue <br />driveway. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler explained the site currently has access driveways on County Road F and <br />Lexington Avenue and no modifications are proposed to these driveways at this time. The <br />County Road F driveway has full access and the entrance on Lexington Avenue only allows right <br />turns in and out of the site. Both roadways are owned and managed by Ramsey County. Ramsey <br />County has recommended that the Lexington Avenue driveway be removed due to proximity to <br />the County Road F intersection. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler indicated an expanded sidewalk is proposed to provide safe pedestrian <br />access to the center from the parking lot. Additionally, a new sidewalk would be constructed to <br />connect the site to the existing sidewalk along Lexington Avenue. Other site modifications <br />would include the replacement of the existing nonconforming pole sign at the corner of <br />Lexington Avenue and County Road F with a new monument sign in the same general location. <br />A new trash enclosure with brick veneer and a metal gate is also proposed adjacent to the <br />existing building within the northern parking area. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler stated new tree plantings would be added within the parking area on the <br />north side of the building and along Lexington Avenue. A portion of the parking area on the <br />south side of the building would also be converted to turf grass and include tree plantings. <br />Outside of the existing developed area, the majority of the property is forested with extensive tree <br />coverage. The proposal would not impact this area except for the removal of five trees at the <br />southeast corner of the development area. <br /> <br />Site Data <br />Land Use Plan: Light Industrial and Office <br />Existing Land Use: Retail and Other Commercial <br />Zoning: I-1 Limited Industrial District <br />Current Lot Sizes: 4.86 Acres <br />Topography: The developed portion of the site contains the current bank <br />building and parking lot. The three undeveloped acres are <br />forested and partially covered by wetlands. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler reviewed the surrounding area, the Plan Evaluation and offered the <br />followings the Findings of Fact for review:
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