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City of Arden Hills – 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved: September 19, 2017 <br />9-2 <br />recommendations for continuing development, expansion, and improvement of parks, <br />trails, recreation and natural resources. Through collaboration with other City <br />committees, the PTRC has aided in the development of a long-term vision for the City’s <br />parks and recreation system. The following information in this chapter was developed in <br />consultation with the PTRC. <br /> <br /> <br />As part of previous planning efforts, the City identified long-term trends to help <br />determine future park, trail, and recreation needs. Recreation interests and participation <br />are influenced by a number of factors, including, age, access to facilities, income, <br />available leisure time, interest in the environment, new recreation technology, and social <br />trends. In general, people are looking for quality recreation that is close to home, but <br />they are willing to travel to obtain higher quality or more specialized activities or <br />environments. <br /> <br />9.2 REGIONAL PARK AND RECREATION SYSTEM <br /> <br />Although the Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan focuses on local needs, the community <br />recognizes that Arden Hills is connected to and participates in a larger, regional network <br />of parks, pathways, and open spaces. As of 2014, the Metropolitan Council’s regional <br />park system includes 62 regional parks and park preserves that cover more than 52,000 <br />acres. The regional system also boasts 40 regional trails that span 340 miles. <br /> <br />Arden Hills is linked to three regional trails and is home to one regional park (Figure <br />9.1). The Highway 96 Regional Trail crosses the City from east to west adjacent to <br />Highway 96. Recent improvements to this trail now provide a continuous connection <br />along the southern side of the roadway to the City of New Brighton. Regional trail <br />planned improvements include a north south segment of trail located near the <br />intersection of Snelling Avenue North and Highway 96. This planned trail will be critical, <br />providing users with direct access to the Rice Creek North Regional Trail. In addition, <br />Ramsey County is in the planning process and anticipates amending the Rice Creek <br />Regional Corridor of Fall 2017. <br /> <br />The Lexington Parkway Regional Trail spans the entire length of the Shoreview and <br />Arden Hills border on the eastern side of the City. While the trail is complete on the <br />Shoreview side of Lexington Avenue, the city pathway along the western side of <br />Lexington Avenue contains several incomplete sections within the city limits. As <br />redevelopment occurs and other opportunities arise, the City does seek to complete the <br />trail to both the north and south on the Arden Hills side of Lexington Avenue. In addition, <br />the Metropolitan Council has identified Lexington Avenue as a regional trail search <br />corridor. The future alignment will be determined by Ramsey County through completion <br />of a regional master plan for the Lexington Avenue corridor anticipated to be completed <br />Dr <br />a <br />f <br />t <br /> <br />11 <br />/ <br />2 <br />0 <br />/ <br />2 <br />0 <br />1 <br />7