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07-31-18 Minutes UPDATED
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Civic Site Task Force
Civic Site Task Force Minutes
07-31-18 Minutes UPDATED
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CIVIC SITE TASK FORCE – JULY 31, 2018 5 <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated there was a manufactured home community located directly <br />across the highway from TCAAP and it would benefit the City to offer programming for tweens in <br />this area. <br /> <br />Mr. Radziej stated he liked the idea of having pottery classes and a kiln in the building that could <br />be fired once a month. He suggested the City consider having an art focus within the Civic Site. <br />He questioned if there was a demand for art classes through Parks and Rec. <br /> <br />Mr. Pichati commented an even better question was would there be a demand for arts in the <br />demographics that would be drawn to this area. He was of the opinion there would be a demand <br />for arts in the millennials that would live in this area. <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell stated another thing the community could use was a gathering space. She explained <br />the local coffee shops were too crowded. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes indicated she would like to see the City pursuing cost-sharing or <br />partnerships in place for the Civic Site. She anticipated the City would not be able to fully staff <br />the Civic Site and City Hall, but a shared space may be an interesting avenue to pursue. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden explained she would like to see the Civic Site programmed for physical <br />youth activities, such as basketball given the length of winter in Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell commented a gathering space in the Civic Site could be used for sewing, knitting, or <br />quilting classes. <br /> <br />Mr. Zimmerman stated this may be a good way to bring together multi-generational residents <br />within the community for these types of classes. <br /> <br />Mr. Erickson indicated students really enjoy having open gym space and a supervisor. He <br />commented on the success of a four-square program he supervised. <br /> <br />Mr. Pichati stated a new definition for City Hall was an interesting concept and he encouraged <br />the group to think on this more. He requested the group to discuss this further. <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell commented on the existing City Hall space and noted it was approved through a <br />community vote. She understood that the new City Hall was serving its purpose and anticipated <br />there would not be a lot of community support to build another “new” City Hall. In addition, if <br />City Hall were to relocate to TCAAP it would be even further away from 2/3 of the Arden Hills <br />residents. She suggested the Civic Site be used for community programming as there was not <br />enough parking at City Hall for these types of events. <br /> <br />Mr. Pichati asked what type of programming was occurring at City Hall currently. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden reported there were dance classes and driver safety classes. She then <br />commented on the amount of bonding the City would have to do to complete the infrastructure on <br />TCAAP and stated the Civic Site would add to this expense. She stated one way to proceed may
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