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10-01-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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10-01-18 JDA Agenda Packet
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<br />Commissioner Grant questioned if the JDA believed the cooperative agreement should be in <br />place prior to the MDA. It was his belief that the City was being triangulated as the last party <br />being brought to the table. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund requested further information from staff on how the MDA and cooperative <br />agreement interacted. Jenny Bolton, Kennedy & Graven, advised the MDA fits together with <br />the cooperative agreement. She noted the attempt has been to negotiate the documents all <br />together because one impacts the other. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant asked if the City approves the MDA. Ms. Bolton reported the City only <br />approves the cooperative agreement. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant stated he would not be able to attend a December 19th JDA meeting. He <br />questioned what the approved meeting dates were for the JDA. Director Olson reported the <br />JDA agreed to meet on the first Monday of every month, unless that day were to fall on a <br />holiday. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant expressed concern with the fact Chair Wicklund was forcing additional <br />meeting dates on the JDA when he was supposed to be a neutral party. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund stated he was simply proposing the meeting dates and noted these could be <br />changed. <br /> <br />Commissioner Huffman asked when the City of Arden Hills would be holding their Open House. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant reported the Open House would be held on November 15th. <br /> <br />Commissioner Huffman stated he did not believe the additional meeting dates were out of line. <br />However, he did agree it may be difficult for members to make the December meeting being so <br />close to the Christmas holiday. He explained he could add the additional October and <br />November meetings to his calendar. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wicklund stated he did not believe additional meetings would suddenly make <br />things work. He supported people getting together and having meetings if there were items to <br />discuss. <br /> <br />Commissioner Grant asked if the MDA was a private document. Ms. Bolton stated it was not <br />intended to be a private document and noted this document was a work in progress. <br /> <br />Bob Lux, Alatus, stated there were three parties at the table and for the past two and a half <br />years these three parties have been working together. He noted these three parties met every <br />week. He commented on the progress that has been made and noted the MDA before the JDA <br />was in draft form. He stated the outstanding issues were communication matters. He
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