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09-19-18 JDA
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JDA Minutes
09-19-18 JDA
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10/4/2018 11:57:45 AM
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10/4/2018 11:57:39 AM
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explained this was a very complex transaction and he strongly suggested negotiations not be <br />put on hold. He feared the Open House in November was a stall tactic. He encouraged the City <br />to continue to work on the cooperative agreement in order to find common ground to keep this <br />project moving forward. <br />Commissioner Grant stated he would appreciate Alatus meeting with the entire City Council <br />and not individual members. He stated this was not assisting the groups in reaching common <br />group, but rather was divisive. He explained this may not be intentional and encouraged Alatus <br />to set up a meeting with the entire City Council. Mr. Lux stated he was happy to do that and <br />stated his goal was to educate the Council members. <br />Chair Wicklund asked when the Arden Hills City Council would be meeting. <br />Commissioner Grant stated the City Council would be meeting next on Monday, September <br />24th <br />Chair Wicklund encouraged Mr. Lux to consider attending this meeting in order to keep this <br />item moving forward. <br />Public Hearin <br />None <br />NPw RutinPr,t <br />Financial Procedures <br />Commissioner Grant stated he believed it would be beneficial for the JDA to discuss its financial <br />procedures. He commented on the Joint Powers Agreement, Section 2 referencing the <br />budgeting process. He explained that because there were a number of meetings canceled in <br />July and August he feared that the JDA had not coordinated its efforts with the City and the <br />County with respect to the 2019 budgets. <br />Chair Wicklund commented historical reference would be helpful and the process that has been <br />in place since the JDA was established. Director Olson explained he would have to go back and <br />see what has been done in the past. He stated in the past the JDA has approved their budget <br />and other financials in the early parts of the year. <br />Chair Wicklund requested further information from Commissioner Grant regarding the intent of <br />his question. <br />Commissioner Grant stated he would like to ensure that the proper budgeting deadlines are <br />met. He submitted a stack of invoices from the City to the JDA. Further discussion ensued <br />regarding the invoices and it was noted the City had only received roughly $5,000 in <br />reimbursements to date. <br />
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