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<br />Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan <br />City of Arden Hills, MN <br />WSB Project No. 3455-20 Page 1 <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The City of Arden Hills is required to prepare a Comprehensive Plan that aligns with the <br />Metropolitan Council’s Metropolitan System Plan every ten years per Minnesota Rule 473.858. <br />One component of the Comprehensive Plan is the Sanitary Sewer Plan, which describes the <br />existing sanitary sewer system and outlines the timing and sequence of future improvements. <br />The Sanitary Sewer Plan allows the City and the Metropolitan Council to build and improve their <br />sanitary sewer collection and treatment systems in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. <br />The City of Arden Hills is entirely within the 2040 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA), so <br />sanitary sewer interceptors and treatment are provided by the Metropolitan Council <br />Environmental Services (MCES) system. The City is responsible for local wastewater collection <br />and conveyance, which has historically been self-supporting through fees paid by users. <br />The City of Arden Hills’ Sanitary Sewer Plan was developed to conform to the Metropolitan <br />Council’s Thrive MSP 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan. The Thrive MSP 2040 Plan was <br />approved in May 2015 and outlines regional goals for the wastewater system, including <br />environmental sustainability, water reuse, and water conservation. Additionally, the Thrive MSP <br />2040 Plan includes population, household, and employment projections, and projected <br />wastewater flows. <br />As a result of projected population and land use changes in Arden Hills, the Metropolitan <br />Council estimates that sanitary sewer flows will increase approximately 19 percent between now <br />and 2040. The greatest increase in flow is expected from the development of the Twin Cities <br />Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) site in the north part of the City. This Sanitary Sewer Plan <br />outlines the locations in which the Metropolitan Council can expect to see increased wastewater <br />flows, allowing the Council to determine if capacity upgrades will be required at regional <br />wastewater treatment plants and interceptors. This plan also serves as a guiding document for <br />City infrastructure improvements and expansion. <br />