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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—NOVEMBER 19, 2018 9 <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the escrow had been released for Amble Drive. <br /> City Administrator Perrault discussed the differences between the landscaping and <br /> grading/erosion control work that was done for this project and would report back on what type of <br /> escrow was being held. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she would like staff to investigate the detailed expenditures for <br /> TCAAP. <br /> 2. COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS <br /> City Administrator Perrault commented on a letter the City received from the County. Further <br /> discussion ensued regarding the letters the City had received from Ramsey County. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the City wanted to have a response to the affordable housing <br /> aspect of this letter. <br /> Mayor Grant suggested the Council have a planned response in place. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned what was happening with the City's planning staff. She <br /> indicated she did not want staff so overworked that their job became unpleasant. She encouraged <br /> staff to keep resources in place so as not to overwhelm City Planner Mrosla. <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated the staffing would be dialed back but noted Jane was still <br /> available on an as needed basis. <br /> Councilmember Holden discussed the new sign at Arden Plaza and expressed concern with sight <br /> lines onto Lexington Avenue. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she did not believe there was a problem. <br /> Mayor Grant requested staff investigate this further. <br /> Councilmember Scott wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels. <br /> Councilmember McClung requested the City contact Boston Scientific and thank them for <br /> installing two signs that state Arden Hills. <br /> Mayor Grant recommended a letter be drafted by staff and that this be signed by the full Council <br /> thanking Land O'Lakes for the new signs. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated that the Roseville Community Center was being demolished and <br /> that a new community center was being built. <br /> City Clerk Hanson asked how the Council wanted to proceed with the tobacco issue. <br />