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About the Surveys <br />A TCAAP Public Forum was held November 15, 2018 to gather resident feedback on the <br />Rice Creek Commons development plans and financing, along with a proposed Civic Site <br />on the property. <br />Two surveys were collected at the forum and also administered online. One was a <br />general city survey with two open-ended questions about the TCAAP plans and civic site; <br />while the other was a multiple-choice type of survey developed by HGA architects to <br />better understand the categories if amenities and uses for a Civic Site. <br />41 responses were submitted for the City survey (30 from forum and 11 online) and 34 <br />responses were collected for the HGA Civic Site survey (20 from forum, 14 online). <br />See attached survey questionnaires. <br />All responses were from Arden Hills residents.